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PATA RAID Performance Weidness

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Hey guys (and girls)


Need your help with something weird. As per my sig i have 2 Maxtor PATA drives running in RAID 0. Everything is fine when it comes to read speeds with all benchmarks (ATTO, HDTach, Sandra), however, the write speeds seem borked.


If i run the NVRAID drivers off the DFI RAID install disk that came with my mobo, i get around 65MB/s write speed with all benchies. However, when i update to any of the latest ones, the write speed drops to 32MB/s and will not go any higher. Both drives are on individual channels.


This has me tearing my hair out so if anyone can help it will be greatly appreciated.





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Interesting...however, i get the same problem when i install a copy of XP slipstreamed with the later drivers.


Hey fightgame, what are your read and write speeds (ATTO or similar) from your Maxtor PATA array? and what driver are you using?



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Interesting...however, i get the same problem when i install a copy of XP slipstreamed with the later drivers.


Hey fightgame, what are your read and write speeds (ATTO or similar) from your Maxtor PATA array? and what driver are you using?





My raid array actually consists of the 2 pata drives AND the 2 sata drives.

Avg. 180 read, and about 80 write, if I remember correctly.


I know my sig is showing 2 seperate arrays, and I'm trying to get it fixed.

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