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Ram Dosent like Orange slots

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i recently took the factory fan off my factory heatsink and replaced it with another fan, and put everything back into board, and now i cant get cpu to boot with ram in orange slots....wierd eh.....first i thought mayb i fired something cause the mobo would just beep @ me, but i cleared c-mos first then booted with 1 stick in top slot, and no prob....other stick in top slot, no prob...both in yellow...no prob, both in orange....no boot...



also...on another note........if ram pass memtest for several hrs, it Should be ok for board right?????...i ask this cause i have chosen Value Ram for the time being due to shortage of funds, and still have some stability issues with the cpu...i have newest final bios..dual core patch(amd)...hotfix...game patches...drivers...everyting i can think of, i have tried several times...i have 3 of these machines like in my sig, 2 for brothers and 1 for me, and all having stability issues..not sure what all they have done to try to correct the prob, but we all have the same hardware except vid card...i splurged a lil on mine.... plz help nodz thanx

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That is strange. Have you tried doing a cmo clear and then using the ram in the orange slots? I know my ram did MUCH better in the orange slots. In the yellow slots they had to run below spec to even be stable.


Which version of that ram do you have? Is it CL2.5 or CL3? I have the CL3 version if you want I could post my settings for you.

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I have this exact same problem on my Ultra-D.


I currently have 4gb of Geil UltraX...if I put 1 or two sticks in either of the yellow slots, no problems at all. If I put 1 or two in any of the orange slots..no go.


If however I put all 4 sticks in at once using up both the orange and yellow, everythings perfect. It was really annoying at one point because I wanted to just use 1.5gb of ram (3x 512mb sticks) and I couldn't because I'd fill the two Yellow slots with ram, and couldn't use the third stick in any of the orange slots, so it was either 1gb or 2gb..lame.


Uh...hope that made some sense :P *never found a workaround, tried multiple BIOS' to no avail, had to just deal with it sadly).

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When you had 4 sticks in you were using a configuration of memory to slots that was viable and valid.


Here is the "only" way in which any combination of sticks WILL work on the DFI NF4 Ultra-D; SLI-D; SLI-DR, NF4-D and the newer NF4 SLI-DR "EXPERT board.

1. 1stick in the Orange slot furtherst FROM the cpu is the memory slot for one stick in single channel. The two slots closest the cpu will NOT work with only a single stick ever. Sometimes a single stick in the Yellow slot furtherest from the cpu> might work for only a single stick test but the 'better' slot for one stick testing is the ORANGE slot futherest from the cpu.


2. A stick in each Orange slot for 2 stick dual channel. Again some few users depending on memory and bios can run 2 stick dual channel in the Yellow slots but only about 8% of users can.


3. 2 sticks in the Orange slots and 2 sticks in the Yellow slots for 4 sticks dual channel.


That is the only valid hard wiring and bios indexing of the sticks in memory slots. Same for Ultra-D/SLi-D/Sli-DR as it is for the Expert board. No difference between them as relates to valid stick/slot combinations.





I have this exact same problem on my Ultra-D.


I currently have 4gb of Geil UltraX...if I put 1 or two sticks in either of the yellow slots, no problems at all. If I put 1 or two in any of the orange slots..no go.


If however I put all 4 sticks in at once using up both the orange and yellow, everythings perfect. It was really annoying at one point because I wanted to just use 1.5gb of ram (3x 512mb sticks) and I couldn't because I'd fill the two Yellow slots with ram, and couldn't use the third stick in any of the orange slots, so it was either 1gb or 2gb..lame.


Uh...hope that made some sense :P *never found a workaround, tried multiple BIOS' to no avail, had to just deal with it sadly).

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hrmm...how do i tell what version ram i have?i have looked @ sticks and box, and nowhere does it say anything like 2.5 or 3.0.......i have looked @ cpuz to c if that might tell me, but it dont.....not really sure what is up....i am not really sure bout the speed diff between the diff slotz, but i do know that every1 is saying that it is better to use the orange in dual channel mode with 2 stix.......


on another note again, i just passed occt , and gonna let prime run overnight on both corez and will report back again in the am...this is the wierdest thing......havent changed anything cept ram slotz and cpu seems more stable with ram in the WRONG slotz....

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gonna get some good ram when the fundz get right, but till then need this thing to work right....even then..i plan on getting a 2x 1 gig dual channel set or something like that so i would like to know a definite on the speed issue with diff slotz

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CPU Z says it is...not it aint great speed, 3-3-3-8....but it was cheap.....just something to get me by, as all other ram i have is used @ the moment....and yes....running in dual channel.....so i guess there is no real diff in the slotz....there has to be something or they woundt have made them diff colors...

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You read that correctly to the very best of the situation as it has been revealed to me. The cpu is dual channel. The board is best designed to support what the cpu expects and in the case of these boards; with emphasis on speed at all costs nearly.


EDITTED: > Ok I went back and read what you asked again and now am unsure of the question. There is no option for 2 dimms populated and a 'third' stick in single channel. As I said above there are those running a stick in each slot furtherest from the cpu and that is single channel. But there is no half and half memory operation. Dual and Single channel at the same time unless you have a fluke of nature or science. Maybe that is the answer that fits the question you asked. Somewhere between what I wrote above and what is written here is the answer. Mainly because the board is made for dual channel operation. That is key.


Hi rgone.


Do I read correctly then that there is no option for single channel with 2 dimms populated?


Thanks Dave

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i've had single channel with 2 dimms in the furthest slots on an expert - one yellow and one orange


it was the only way i could get it to boot with limited stability with my dual core and 2gb kit

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