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Memtest looping test 5 no error, tes 8 giving errors, what gives ?

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Like what's mentioned in the title, i have a quite strange problem when burning my newly acquired Winbond UTT TwinMOS AA4T 512MBx2.


I shot the FSB up to 245 @11-2-2-2-2.0-13-15 aggressive alpha timings VDimm 3.3V Vdd 1.8V, and in Memtest86 v1.65, successfully looping test 5 in hundreds of passes without any error. But when i gave it a full Memtest, it was failing with 10+ errors per pass at test 8. So, what's wrong with my system ?


Is the memory not good enough for the given FSB & timing at 3.3V -well, it's kinda too much to ask for a 80 US$ pair of memory sticks, isn't it ;) ? Or the SPP chipset memory controller gave up @1.8V (i don't dare increase it up to 1.9V since i still use active cooling with just a tiny 3.5cm 6000 RPM Sunon fan on the HSF) ? Or simply a bad memory timings configuration -if so, any suggestion would be very appreciated.


If i'm posting in the wrong forum, Mods, feel free to move it somewhere else. And pardon me for my limited english :O

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Have you got active cooling on your ram? If not i would get some on it a bit fast, 3.3v through your ram without active cooling will almost certainly start to through out errors or worse. Sometimes you do need 1.9v through the chipset, in my case Memtest passes fine with 1.8v but it fails in Prime95 unless i up it to 1.9v. But as i said, get some active cooling on your ram and you may find that test8 runs clear.

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Have you got active cooling on your ram? If not i would get some on it a bit fast, 3.3v through your ram without active cooling will almost certainly start to through out errors or worse. Sometimes you do need 1.9v through the chipset, in my case Memtest passes fine with 1.8v but it fails in Prime95 unless i up it to 1.9v. But as i said, get some active cooling on your ram and you may find that test8 runs clear.


Thanx for the reply. And yes, i put TWO 9 cm 2500 RPM DaTECH fan exactly over the memory sticks, using some cables to hook it up to the case. I don't think the memory temp is the issue here.


But first, is it true my understanding that the memory i've got is INDEED Winbond UTT BH-5 which is strong enough to withstand VDimm up to 3.3V :confused: ? I bought them as a second hand stuff from a friend in a comp forum in Indonesia, he only used them @FSB 200 tight timing 2.7V, since he only had a MSI NF2 MoBo.

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Thanx for the reply. And yes, i put TWO 9 cm 2500 RPM DaTECH fan exactly over the memory sticks, using some cables to hook it up to the case. I don't think the memory temp is the issue here.


But first, is it true my understanding that the memory i've got is INDEED Winbond UTT BH-5 which is strong enough to withstand VDimm up to 3.3V :confused: ? I bought them as a second hand stuff from a friend in a comp forum in Indonesia, he only used them @FSB 200 tight timing 2.7V, since he only had a MSI NF2 MoBo.


No, the ram you have got is UTT-CH5. If you did have UTT-BH5 you would be lucky to get to 230fsb let alone 245fsb. If heat is'nt the issue then try your chipset at 1.9v, the northbridge dose'nt get nearlly as hot as people think it does. Also are you running with CPC on?

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No, the ram you have got is UTT-CH5. If you did have UTT-BH5 you would be lucky to get to 230fsb let alone 245fsb. If heat is'nt the issue then try your chipset at 1.9v, the northbridge dose'nt get nearlly as hot as people think it does. Also are you running with CPC on?


Oops, then i must have pumped too much VDimm on them, right ? :O Should i back down somewhat ? Perhaps just around 3.0-3.1V ?


Well, i might try to give 1.9V for the SPP chip tonite, we'll see. :)


And yes, i run with CPC ON setting.


By the way, at FSB 245, my proc running @2.6 GHz 245x11, VCore 1.85V. It boots to Windows, but any benchmark beside SuperPi 1M & SP2004 small FFT WILL fail -that means the memory is the source of my system instability, right ?


I hope my description & explanation is quite clear, because English really isn't my FORTE :O

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No, UTT-CH5 likes vdimm just as much as BH-5. Having said that 3.3v is about as high as you should go really. If i was you i would back the fsb down to 240 or 242fsb and run Memtest again using test 8. If it runs clear on test 8 over 10 passes then just let it run through all the tests, looping for 8hrs. It might be that at 245fsb your ram could be on the edge of what it will do at the timings you have got it set at.

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I would leave the timings as they are and try to get stable in Memtest and Prime95 before you think about Alpha's, drive's and slew's. With active cooling on, your ram will be fine with 3.3v. Another thing worth thinking about is your bios, i found the best one with UTT-CH5 to be Tic-Tac's 619XT, it got me from 245fsb to 250fsb.

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