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Is my mobo Broken

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Well, ive come to the conclusion my mobo is broken but im wondering what everyone else thinks, heres whats been going on:


Over the past month ive had big problems with windows not booting and when it does it doesnt work properly. Ive tried things like memtest for the ram ive tried a different hdd to see if it was my hdd that was broken ive checked the psu ive reinstalled windows several times but nothing seems to be broken, so the only thing left is my mobo (i think) so should i be sending my mobo back for a new one or is there something ive left out, thanks.

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We'll need a bit more information to be helpful


1) Update your signature with exact model of RAM and PSU


2) I would suggest reviewing these two build guides Ed Jacobson’s Build Guide and

Angry Games Build Guide with Pictures. Did you follow these when you built your rig. If not, what did you do different?


3) You ran memtest. How long?


Post back with info and we'll work through it

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Thanks for the ideas. The ram ive got is quite bad quality which could also be the problem. Its A-data pc3200 2x512 sticks, ive recently bought 2 512 sticks of geil pc4000 ddr 500 for when i clock the cpu up 2 2500mhz but they are in the mail. From that guide i pretty much did everything the same and my psu is made by task except there website doesnt have any info on it any more, but the info on it is 520w with maximum load of 590w ive checked all the amps and they are over the recommened amount. And i ran memtest for about an hour and a half and it passed 4 times i think.


So any help would be appreciated, thanks.

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You've left out some key information. In order to help I need the following information;


Did you follow the NF4 build guide?

Have you run MemTest?

Have you run Prime95?

Have you run the full suite of 3DMark tests?

Have you run AquaMark?

Have you run OCCT?


All of the above metnioned stress testing and benchmark programs task your hardware and OS to the MAX. If you havent run then, I suggest that you do and report back with your findings.

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There are many possibilities for your issue that could be not your mobo..

YEs.it is quite hard to guess without knowing your exact problems.. tell us the full story.. have you oced? did you do all the stability tests and passed? if you are ocing, it could sometimes be your psu.. did you check the voltages in the rails?

What mem are you using exactly? what clock and timings are they running?

if you have oced, did you trying going back to stock values?

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Hi there, Well i havent been able to boot into windows so im unable to run any of those benchmarking tests the exact problem is i get to the windows splash screen then it runs about 50-60 times before it freezes. I cant boot into safe mode all the time and the few times it does actually works it ends up freezing again. I tried my brothers hdd with windows installed and that had the exact same problems. Ive tried a different cpu and a different psu, Im about to upgrade my ram to ddr500 geil platinum as usually i have an overclock up to 2500mhz. So maybe the ram could be the problem, ive reinstalled windows 4 times in the past month, currently its a fresh install with nothing been installed on it yet it still doesnt work which suggests hardware, so slowly ive been narrowing it down and ive determined its not hdd not cpu not psu, could be ram or mobo or even vid card. So hopefully i get this problem sorted soon as cause its been getting me so annoyed. Also my ram timings are set to default and the bios has been resest so everything is running stock. thanks for any help people can give me.

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Got all 4 power connectors in? Including 24-pin ATX, P4, 4-pin molex, and FDD connector?


Also, have you ever thought that your PSU isn't sufficient? I'm leading to believe that the PSU can't hold up very well.

Also...let's try some other things such as new cables. Be more specific in your sig with what stuff your using. What bios revision, and what interface that hard drive is...ie SATA 150/300, etc.

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Does your psu have native 24-pin supply... just curios because havent heard baout it..

Did you measure the voltages on the rails..

Did you try running your ram on a lower divider..?

What are your voltages?

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You can (and you should have) run MemTest prior to attempting ANY installation of Windows. I would upgrade your power supply to one that meets the qualifications found in the DFI NF4 recommended power supply thread here at the Street. Swap your memory as you're already planning on doing.


Afterwards, full and proper CMOS clear. Reboot, enter BIOS and load optimized defaults.


Check the stock speed and Socket939 overclock databases here at the Street and borrow some BIOS and memory timings from someone running CPU and memory similar to yours. They are confirmed usable and stable.


That is your starting point.

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Hi again, well i installed windows again today, and before i installed anything i turned it off and on 30 times just to make sure it was right, and it started up everytime. But then i installed the mobo drivers and turned it off and on about 5 times when i started getting bsod's at the windows splash screen. I got them twice in a row but now the computer has started up again, so i thought id post a message before i restarted again incase it doesnt work. And heres some more details on my psu its: +5v=34A +3.3v=24A -12v=0.8A +12v1=24A +12v2=17A +5vsb=2.5A and its max load is 590w. Im not sure which bios im using, ive never updated it since i got the mobo in october. I have tried the ram on a lower divider but it didnt work. Also I do have all the 4 power connectors plugged in. Also just to add since october until just before xmas the computer was running fine with 2x6600gt's in sli so the psu is fine i think. Yes it is a native 24pin and im not sure how to find out the sata drive's interface. hope that covers all the questions, thanks for the help so far.

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Memtest is in BIOS, look in the Advanced Bios setting ( I think). Set it to enable, save and exit. This will automatically run memtest after POST


You need to run this before installing windows, other wise corruption will occur.


If you're feeling lucky, run on both sticks, otherwise run on single sticks of ram, then both. I usually run memtest overnight for each test


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