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Angry's Blog of Doom (or idiocy....take your pick)


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(Phrases in above quote emboldened by me.) This is exactly our problem. Everyone thinks in terms of "we" and "they". We all need to think in terms of "us" as a whole. We as a global community - the emerging Chinese economy, the mighty military machine that is the USA, the Iraq/Iran muslims who fight and kill each other because of minor religious differences, the Arab/Israeli ongoing, neverending war over a tiny plot of desert, the fanatic Arab muslims who have decided that America is the Great Satan - the list goes on and on - why do we continue to have wars all across the planet after the war to end all wars less than a hundred years ago?


The answer falls to the underlying basic of seperatism - the emerging Chinese economy will want what the US has enjoyed for so long that its people as a whole have yet to enjoy; the military machine that is the USA will continue to be driven by those in power who are in turn driven by those who have the $money$; the Arabs and Israeli will continue to fight over a tiny patch of earth because they desire the land for themselves; etc, etc, etc.


Most people are satisfied with a world in which differences - not similarities - are honored, and disagreements are settled by conflicts and war. Most people are satisfied with a world in which survival is for the fittest - "might is right" - competiton is required and winning is called the highest good. If such a system happens to produce losers, so be it, as long as you are not among them. The answer? Untill the haves can imagine themselves in the place of the have-nots - which currently hardly anyone does - we will continue to have a world that is based on seperatism. Most people are threatened by group consciousness, a concept such as the collective good, a one-world view. The inability to experience the suffering of another as one's own is what allows such suffering to continue.


We need to unify our mindset on a global scale. We need to change the ideas that might makes right, that the dollar is almighty, and that we are all seperate from each other as God is seperate from us. Seperation breeds indifference and false superiority. Unity produces compassion and genuine equality. I believe that the signs of the degradation of our environment are there in plain sight for all to see, but no one is taking them seriously except for a small handful of people - the tree huggers, Greenpeace, a few scientists and a very small, insignificant number of the general public. The degradation of our environment has yet to impact people on a personal level, so until it does the concept that we are seperate will continue to hold sway and soccer moms with ONE KID will continue to drive Lincoln Navigators.



The problem is that your viewpoint requires that I follow along. You can buy into this socialist mentality (there are plenty of counties that follow this direction). I will stick with capitalism.


Seperation breeds indifference and false superiority. Unity produces compassion and genuine equality.


I am sorry but I don't see the sense in that mindset. People have been preaching gloom and doom for ages. Heck, that is what gives religions their power. This point of view is the same mentality.


It sounds like you want the Star Trek utopia but want to achieve it by becoming the Borg. In this case, resistance is not futile. But this debate is. the world will never join hands and sing Koobaya or whatever that song is. You clearly have a kind heart but many bad things have happened despite the best of intentions.

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At least give those of us who only had one kid with being smart enough to only have one kid. That in itself makes up for some stupidity like driving an 8 cylinder vehicle when u don't need it.

haha true


i dont hate on anyone that has a kid unless those kids scream and run wild like jungle savages in public places


but i guess we just dont subscribe to the whole 'life is about growing up, getting married, and having spawns of satan, aka children' lol

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If the world/all objects in the universe stopped spinning, would time exist?

the universe would probably have a serious breakdown as from what I understand, gravity is the focus of the universe...if nothing spun, there would be no gravity unless we know nothing about gravity and gravity really is some strange thing that breaks the laws of physics (but im not that big of an MIT or NASA nerd so i dont know much more htan what I read in Sci-Fi lol)

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I am sure I have seen worse and it was tongue in cheek but whatever u all say I guess

lets put it this way...i got more than a few pm complaints about it so I deleted it (i wouldnt have answered it anyway and neither would momma)


I'm sure you can understand the reasons why neither of us would have answered it and also the reasons why users complained about it

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haha true


i dont hate on anyone that has a kid unless those kids scream and run wild like jungle savages in public places


but i guess we just dont subscribe to the whole 'life is about growing up, getting married, and having spawns of satan, aka children' lol


I wish more people did not have kids. We were married for 12 years before doing so (married in 1989 when she was almost 18 and I was 21 - we put her thru 8 years of college and me thru 4 - we know own a 5-doctor vet clinic so I guess waiting was a good thing).


We thought the wife had MS and decided we would be just as happy with or without children depending on how things worked out. As long as you make a responsible choice (can't feed em don't breed em) then either way is cool.

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lets put it this way...i got more than a few pm complaints about it so I deleted it (i wouldnt have answered it anyway and neither would momma)


I'm sure you can understand the reasons why neither of us would have answered it and also the reasons why users complained about it


Different forums have different levels of sensitivity. I see where this place falls (folks here clearly have way more class than I am used to) so I just need to evelate my mindset a bit. No problem. Maybe I will leave here a better person for it.

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oh definitely BSU


U of I sucks arse big time and my brother and I grew up hating them because they always whipped BSU


funny now that the tables have turned and we have a nationally ranked football team and they....should go back to I-AA since they totally suck

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If you were a football fan with a college team you support...


...would that be University of Idaho or Boise State?



It is not a loaded question BTW, even though I kinda run a site supporting one or the other. :nod:


Well my dad played football for U of I back in the day and my mom went to BSU so growing up was kinda like the McCoys and Hatfields. Being the daddy's girl I was, I loved the Vandals but when they moved to IA and have done nothing but embarrass themselves and the program I would have to go with BSU. They should go back to IAA cause its just sad watching them try to compete. Plus I am a BSU student so i guess I am alright with them now.

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Wife and I were in Pullman area which is right near U of I (while she did small animal vet school at WSU) so that is the closest I have to either place but I really don't give a rats butt unless you are referring to Oregon State (we are both OSU alumni).

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1. i have been insomniac many years of my life...but there is more to life than gaming and benchmarking


there is such a thing called family, friends, and going outside of your home to experience such things as real life


2. i read when I'm in the bathroom as reading is excellent exercise for your brain....learn to take a break from the computer for a while....


3. i suppose it would mean that 22,000+ members couldn't follow simple rules so yes, they would all be banned I suppose.


happy games=happy life??

isnt it??


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