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i hate sli

Guest Upok_merged

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okay, it's just like the topic says. I cannot get sli to work. I just keep getting the "you must remove any graphics cards that are not compatible..." I've tried moving cards to different slots, no help. I did find one thing intersting, if I plug my monitor into the bottom video card, all I get is background. No icons, no mouse, nothing--just background. Have tried uninstalling and reinstalling nforce and forceware drivers. Heck, even formatted and reinstalled windows. Nothing helps. The nvidia software only recognizes one card. I have tried three different bfg 7800gt oc. any suggestions?

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Go search for the two threads I started on this issue. Same damn problem, same MB and vid cards. Read all the way through those posts and see how much your issue matches mine and then post back. I am convinced it is a problem with the Expert MB, very slight chance it is an issue with the BIOS on the BFG cards. I gave up (for now) after putting 20 hours into the issue. Good luck and keep us posted.

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Hey gr8golf, just wanted to drop you a note about your sli issues with the bfg cards. I got an expert for xmas, and already had a bfg7800gt, so naturally I got another one. What a nightmare!!! Days of frustration and research, for what appeared to be nothing. I was about to give up, then I tried something different.


1. Uninstalled all drivers

2. Removed 2nd vid card

3. Rebooted and loaded 81.98 drivers for first card

4. Shut down

5. Installed 2nd card--NO BRIDGE

6. Rebooted--Windows recognized it as a seperate card and loaded the drivers for it.

6a. At this point windows was hollering at me that my system would perform better with a bridge inserted.

7. Shut down

8. Installed the bridge

9. Booted into windows


At this point it recognized the sli, but I didn't believe it until I scored 11000 in 3dmark05.


Also, Everest Home Ed. will show you information on each card individually--I used that to make sure each card was indeed running at x8. So far, so good. Fear at 1600x1200 with everything max(except AA) runs around 90-100 FPS.


Just thought I'd share my experience, since our rigs are so similar.


Good luck,


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The cards need to have the same bios. And sometimes, even when they appear to be the same, they need to be flashed (in dos mode) to the same one. I've read where people bought the same exact two cards together, and couldn't get them to work. They tried flashing the bioses to make sure they were the same, through windows, and nothing worked until they flashed, using the DOS method. GL.


PS, you know there's an option in the bios to turn it on right? Atleast I think there is on my board...not sure about yours.

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The cards I have do not have the same bios, and my sli is finally working fine. The other thing I noticed is that since the 80 series drivers, you don't even have to have the same make of cards. As long as the chipset is the same, ie 7800gt, the cards can even be from different manufacturers. So the card bios issues was resolved a couple of driver releases ago.

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I am pretty sure this is not an issue with the expert board. I had the same issue for a little bit, however was able to figure it out in under 30 minutes. A little bit of thought and patience go a long way with this board.

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I am pretty sure this is not an issue with the expert board. I had the same issue for a little bit, however was able to figure it out in under 30 minutes. A little bit of thought and patience go a long way with this board.


Did you read through my other posts before making that comment? I don't think ALL Expert boards have issues - but I think mine does have a problem with the lower VC slot. It could also have been a problem with the three video cards I tested. It could be a lot of things, so if you can contribute some insight feel free - but don't pop off with some half @$$ comment like that one.

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