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PCI eXpress Frequency


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Guest Milkshake

Based on what I've read here, it can make it unstable. But I have upped mine to 103Mhz with no problems, and it bumped my 3dmark2005 score from around 7000 and something up to 8000

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Based on what I've read here, it can make it unstable. But I have upped mine to 103Mhz with no problems, and it bumped my 3dmark2005 score from around 7000 up to 8000


1000 Points! dam going to have to try that...

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Guest Milkshake
thats a good one. no really


No seriously it really helped me, It could be my card I dont know, but it jumped a lot with upping the frequency. I am new at overclocking but seriously it did help. There are many things that are weird with my setup and this may be one of them, I wouldn't recommend upping the frequency but for me this is one thing that worked. It might not have been 1000 points but like I said it went from 7000 something to about 8000. And when I first got my setup before ocing I upped the pcie frequency cause I thought thats what OCs the vid card, and it gave me 500 points just like that lol. Im not trying to prove anything, just giving my insight on what happened with my card. Like I said I wouldn't recommend doing it, but with MY system it helped and only MY system.


Another thing thats weird with my system is the dividers dont work properly etc... Again my system is weird so it may be some weird exeption.


If it matters so much to you I can do a before and after pic once I get on my comp. But I'm pretty sure it helped my system achieve better scores by a lot.



Another thing, he has an ATI, I have an NVIDIA, there may be a difference in how effective the pcie frequency is, I dont know.



You also have an ATI so maybe thats why you don't believe it, I dont know.

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Guest Milkshake

Im curious as to how it effects other setups, anyone else tried upping their pcie frequency and had great results? or no effect?

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Increasing the PCI-E frequency increases the bandwidth of the PCI-E lanes. If your card only has 1x or 2x allocated to it (certain SLI configs) then it might help. It also might help if you have top of the line video cards in 8x/8x SLI config. Other than that, it shouldn't do much at all.


(Milkshake, I expect you might have changed other settings and OC'ed your system at the same time as raising PCI-E frequency. I know when I get into the BIOS that its very tempting to change numerous variables and you don't always remember what you changed afterwards).

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Guest Milkshake
Increasing the PCI-E frequency increases the bandwidth of the PCI-E lanes. If your card only has 1x or 2x allocated to it (certain SLI configs) then it might help. It also might help if you have top of the line video cards in 8x/8x SLI config. Other than that, it shouldn't do much at all.


(Milkshake, I expect you might have changed other settings and OC'ed your system at the same time as raising PCI-E frequency. I know when I get into the BIOS that its very tempting to change numerous variables and you don't always remember what you changed afterwards).


Well now that you mention it, I only have the card in the 2x slot instead of the 16x slot. Do you think it helped in that?

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I think '7000 and something' may have been 7995~ and 'around 8000' may have been 8010~ lol


I dont know how your card is even working properly in the 2x slot!! Put it in the 16x slot to work to its potential, otherwise you might be limiting (more than likely) the performance of the card, by not giving it the performance it needs.


However, you say you have it in the 2x slot, it would appear that its getting a lot more bandwidth than that, is it possible that the other slot is operating at 8x?

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I think '7000 and something' may have been 7995~ and 'around 8000' may have been 8010~ lol


I dont know how your card is even working properly in the 2x slot!! Put it in the 16x slot to work to its potential, otherwise you might be limiting (more than likely) the performance of the card, by not giving it the performance it needs.


However, you say you have it in the 2x slot, it would appear that its getting a lot more bandwidth than that, is it possible that the other slot is operating at 8x?


If you set the jumpers on your bord in "sli-mode" both slots will work on 8x (this goes for every version, not only the sli ones). Afaik changing the pci freq does nothing for you, i never touch it anyway.

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