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Webcamera No Longer Working / Works on other comps

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Long time, havent talked here in a while... happy to mention as far as everrything else, my SLI-DR rig has been running fast, and smooth.


My logitech quickcam express works on my other computer, but when i plug it into my SLI-DR rig, i installed my software / drivers ect the same exact as the other computer, and my quickcam wont display picture.


please help me, idk whats the problem here.


~ Tom



EDIT: by the way, ive tried many other USB ports on my computer and still no go.


my ipod nano connects successfully to the USB, so why doesnt my webcam work?


- ive called logitech too and they are baffled... so its got to be somewhere in manfacture side.

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I dunno, I never tried to use my webcam on my system. Unfortunately I am experiening my own troubles with my systems so I cannot try it. Maybe uninstall that logitech software and make sure that the camera is not in the device manager, restart and try again.... Good luck.

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  • 4 weeks later...

something you may try is looking on the web site that makes your video card for a patch. You no longer use the microsoft WMD driver for web cams with these new cards. I found that out when I put this X850 Pro in. It uses a special ATI WMD driver and the cam works fine now. I'm not saying thats what it is but trying to give you a starting point being as your not having any luck. Does the cam not work at all? Or just in certain programs? Mine would not work with Yahoo Messenger but would work on Netmeeting, ICUII and AIM.


Good Luck,

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Go into control panel and untick the setting wich lets windows turn the device off to save power. This has been a problem with some printers, might apply to your cam too?


i dont even have that option on mine in device manager, i just really want to get this webcam working, but it works on other computers, and not my dfi :(




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  • 2 months later...

I have the same problem. I have the Intel CS431 and the camera works on other systems. Drivers are installed, tried many different USB ports, System says it's ok and working. No errors in device manager, USB reports it's working. I have Lanparty UT N4 sli-D mother board. I have the same exact problem as Hymn in all aspects. Please help.



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Ok guys...I have the same camera as you and don't have any issues now...However, back in the days I had my P4 on an ASUS P4P800 I had a weird issue....the camera would display the image and it would freeze almost automatically...in other words, there was no motion...as if it had taken a picture and that was it...

It all happened after I decided to visit www.tweakxp.com to improve my system, however one of the suggestions they made is to improve system response was to change an option in the system

right click my computer, choose properties, choose advanced, and then "performance options"....then application performance....you'll see two possible choices.."Applications or System Cache" if I'm not mistaken...

Never EVER choose "System Cache" of you'll have yourself the Logitech camera frozen or maybe black screen....

once I chose "Applications" like it was before...the problem dissapeared....

Again, don't know if that's your problem, but you can give that a try....

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