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NF4 Expert will not cold boot- psu issue?

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It's the only thing I don't love about my board. I got myself a awsome computer for x-mas it uses the Expert.


I have never been able to boot the board after shutdown. It tries for a couple of secs then shuts down.


I have to turn the power off on the psu rocker switch. Then press the power button then turn the psu on and then hit power and it will boot fine.


Really errks me. I have accepted it. Looks like I will be doing this for two more years untill I get another board.


Thing that buggs me is I know it's my Experts problem because my friend has a simular rid with a older expert than mine well bought earlier than mine. We swapped out motherboards and my comp. dose not have the problem anymore boots fine.

Whit my board his comp. won't cold boot.


Whats wrong with my board :(

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I have been dealing with wife in hosptial for surgery since Wednesday the 18th and just got back after it, man. Are you using this address??


RGone, the straight forward answer is appreciated. I still maintain that the DFI tech support address is not working for *ME* and if you email me your address I will forward you all the failed attempts to prove it or I can post the header here if you prefer. I actually initiated an RMA request days ago when I had even more issues but the vendor has not responded yet, I won't be buying from them again. Like Stone I'd rather not go through the hassle of an RMA, so any assistance in troubleshooting would be appreciated.


What I have done so far is:


Upped the DRAM voltage to 2.84v as described in the manual to solve a no boot but that did not work. I'll be getting new ram tomorrow bought specifically to match this board.


Tried toying with the Power settings in the Bios, specificaly the behavior in the event of a crash. Still no work.


Removed power from all devices except the CDROM and the video card. Still no work.



OCZ Powerstream's have some kind of auto-protection if they detect over or undercurrent which would behave like this. The question I guess is how can I determine if the PSU is detecting a powerfault when I hit the soft-pwr button? If it did that would certainly explain everything but I'm betting this is unlikely since others have non-OCZ PSUs and also experience the problem.

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You probably need to quit screwing around and posting and rma that board. None of my early "Experts" have cold boot. So I know they all do not have a cold boot issue.




It's the only thing I don't love about my board. I got myself a awsome computer for x-mas it uses the Expert.


I have never been able to boot the board after shutdown. It tries for a couple of secs then shuts down.


I have to turn the power off on the psu rocker switch. Then press the power button then turn the psu on and then hit power and it will boot fine.


Really errks me. I have accepted it. Looks like I will be doing this for two more years untill I get another board.


Thing that buggs me is I know it's my Experts problem because my friend has a simular rid with a older expert than mine well bought earlier than mine. We swapped out motherboards and my comp. dose not have the problem anymore boots fine.

Whit my board his comp. won't cold boot.


Whats wrong with my board :(

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Well if all it took was to plug that wonky little cable in then that is a freeken good deal. Luck to you man.




So far I no longer have the boot problem anymore. Seems plugging in the FDD power into the SLI stablized the board. Good luck to the rest of you.

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Hey guys, great forum here!


Interesting problem with my new NF4 expert setup- see my sig for specs. Initially the system powered up and I was able to enter the bios on the first try. I did some bios adjustments (date, time, usb mouse support etc.), rebooted then manually powered off to hook up peripherals and get ready to load an OS. When I attempted to turn it back on the system powered up briefly, just long enough for the diagnostic leds to light up and fans to spin for about 1-2 seconds, then it powered off on its own.


The system will continue to do this unless I disconnect the power cord from the psu, then turn the rocker switch off and back on. When I pull the cord and hit the switch I can hear a faint "leaking" sound (high pitched lasting about 2 seconds). Put the plug back in and it powers up just fine.


The system seems stable once it is up- I haven't tried gaming or otherwise power intensive use yet. Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this problem? Do I have a bad psu?


that means your heatsink is not sit right or bad power supply

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Just thought I'd chime in...


I received my board two days ago and aside from the cold boot issue she's been running like a champ. My specs are in my sig, I've tried upping the vdimm, didn't help. I tried plugging in the SLI FDD power connector as Kohones did, no luck. I tried messing with the placement of the RAM, nothing.


I've figured out the bare minimum for getting my computer to start, however. If I shut down my computer all I have to do is flip the switch on the PSU, wait until the yellow light in the middle of the mobo goes off, flip it back on and hit the power button, then everything works fine. I guess I'm more concerned with how this is affecting my other components, especially the CPU. I've read a few stories of some Experts killing CPU's on start-up.


I really don't want to have to RMA this board, it would take sooo long. To me it seems like this is something that could be fixed with a BIOS update, maybe? RGone? Like I said, I really don't mind it all that much, and I'd rather sweat it out than wait for an RMA, just so long as it isn't harming any of my other components.

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I'm still trying to puzzle out exactly what is wrong with my board - sure, I'm going to RMA it if I absolutely can't work it out, but I really want to know what went wrong.


So, question: will BIOS corruption always show up at boot? Does a checksum run very early in the proceedings, or can a BIOS pass a checksum and still be corrupted?


Edit: took an hour to get it into a state where it would boot a floppy, reflashed the 12/07 BIOS, still stuffed. Now I am going to stop trying and send it back.

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One more thing about the cold boot. If I shut down and then leave the computer off for a LONG time, as in overnight while I'm sleeping, then it will boot up fine again, without having to switch off the PSU. I haven't tested to see exactly how long the computer has to be shut down before it can be cold-booted but I just thought I'd add this so one of the tech's here can forward the information to the engineers at DFI.

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One more thing about the cold boot. If I shut down and then leave the computer off for a LONG time, as in overnight while I'm sleeping, then it will boot up fine again, without having to switch off the PSU. I haven't tested to see exactly how long the computer has to be shut down before it can be cold-booted but I just thought I'd add this so one of the tech's here can forward the information to the engineers at DFI.


This also happens to me sometimes. Although most of the time, even if I leave it off for more than 6 hours and power it up again it will only power up for 1-2secs and shuts itself down again. I still have to turn off the power on the PSU and wait for a few seconds before powering it on again for the pc to boot.

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Rgone, hope all goes well with the wife. Maybe tech support blocks GMAIL, cause that was the address I was using. Anyway I solved my issue already..turned out plugging in power to the SLI power port stabilized the board; I don't have SLI so thats why I did not have it plugged in before as the docs say its optional for SLI configs. All is good..now just trying to find a nice safe overclock..originally I was hoping for 2.8ghz but think I'll aim for a 2.6ghz for the first year..then up it to the max I can squeeze in year 2.

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