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Cables That Come With Motherboard

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I'm building a computer myself and when i am buying the parts its always asking me if i want the cables with it too like i was going to buy a cdrw drive and it asked me if i wanted the audio cable and mounting screws and i don't know if when i buy if i should buy those with the drive or was wondering if the cables should come with my motherboard when i buy it or do i need to buy the cables with the drive?

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Word of warning man, don't buy from sites that promote that kind of stuff... I had a friend that bought a vid card from a place that sold each of the boxed compnents seperately; when he got the box, all that was there was the vid card and none of the extras. My vid card (same exact one) cost the same amount and was also white box but it came with all the extra stuff... That's just my experience...

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Hehe trust me I do alot of reading before I purchase any type of hardware. I have purchased most of my hardware from tcwo.com, newegg.com, dealsonic.com and jab-tech.net and I also check numorous vendor site ratings with resellerratings.com or specific products with epinions.com or the forums :)

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