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I looked through really quick and didnt find any posts on this movie...

It looked retarded cause it was a ben and j-lo movie but what

I didnt realize is that the movie was retarded :P

what I mean is it was hilarious cause its about ben and j-lo kidnapping

this retard who raps and all this stuff.... I saw part of the movie

on my break one day and laughed my a$$ off so I went took my ex to go

see it a few days later and I loved it.... I even got into to the love

story a bit cause it wasnt like some mady moore crap or what you'd expect

from a j-lo and ben movie....

but ya I think it wont be at our theater much longer so if ya havnt gone to

see it yet I suggest you do cause I was rollin through out the movie. :lol:

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Not even worth downloading. LOL its so bad we are talking about it two weeks after it came out. Those movies we tend to remember. Look at Its a Wonderfull life, It got some bad . reviews when it first came out but in this day most everyone has their own copy.

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Even the other ppl I work w/ went and saw

it and thought it was hilarious... I was laughin my arse off....

Ya really cant trust critics these days, all the good movies get

rated bad and all the retarded movies get good ratings....

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