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PSU Brands to Avoid!


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PC will still not "beep" or get past 4LEDs. It did post and run memtest fine once. then no reboot/post again. The


Problem was not the Aerocool PSU as i spent 200 on a "recommended" PSU. So i will be taking that back today~


This board is damaged in some fasion, a thing i was hoping at all costs not to be true. Now i have to see if anybody will replace it.

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PC will still not "beep" or get past 4LEDs. It did post and run memtest fine once. then no reboot/post again. The


Problem was not the Aerocool PSU as i spent 200 on a "recommended" PSU. So i will be taking that back today~


This board is damaged in some fasion, a thing i was hoping at all costs not to be true. Now i have to see if anybody will replace it.

You might want to rethink returning the psu. It's a possibility that if the board is faulty the original power supply is responsible.

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I should replace the GPU i guess before I try and get a new board just to be sure. I would have to take back the PSU so i can get another GPU to try out. I do not have an extra PCIe GPU around to test. -and no extra cash for now either


It Posted at least 3 times perfect, i was able to set some things in bios, save, reboot, run memtest, reboot, turn it off. Then when i stuck in the RAM that is below in my sig the issue happened again. At that point I though holy crap it is the RAM (RAM runs fine in girlfriends PC, its hers now) So i went back to zero, used the RAM (512 3200) i know to be good & could not get machine to Post. (cleared CMOS, yada-yada) -at this point i gave up for the night.


The problem is weird, this is why im thinking it could indeed be the board /shrug

This is my first DFI board, and i have read all the to-do lists i believe. i am open to any constructive suggestions


I have never gotten a bad piece of hardware yet to date~~ (15years)

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I would like to reply on why Aerocool PSU's aren't any good.


Had an Aerocool TurbinePower 550 W and this is the deathcount caused by it:


- P4 2.4 GHz

- Epox Motherboard

- LG DVD Burner

- Memorex DVD player

- 2 Hitachi 250GB

- 1 WD 120 GB

- 1 Innovatek HPPS 12 V Waterpomp

- 1 Superflower Fancontroller


So yeah this aerocool is going back to the shop and will be replaced for an OCZ GameXStream.

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Anytime you use something that is not DFI-Street.com Recommended, you are pretty much on your own! :eek:

Wow, I highly doubt that this statement is true, though I'm sure it might be some day if you manage to successfully get everyone using an OCZ GameXStream and nothing else lol. Perhaps both DFI and DFI-Steet could add it to their terms of service as a written in stone requirement. Use only OCZ power supplies OR ELSE lol! Would certainly make life easier for those trying to help out users of DFI products if everone were to use exactly the same gear, and also make OCZ extremely happy as well. I certainly hope you're getting paid - or at least getting free gifts if not - for all your free advertising and powers of persuasion. After all, you clearly deserve something in return for huge amount of effort you've personally put into this project. Haha, I'm just joking with ya; couldn't resist. If my Aerocool were to break down any time soon (which it inevitably must since it's on this list) I'll very likely buy an OCZ GameXStream to replace it. I have nothing against OCZ, and own some of their memory which, in the past, has had to be replaced due to being faulty. I really can't think of anyone better when it comes to product support; they are the best IMHO. Like I said in my previous message, if the power supplies they were selling at the time I needed one had met my needs exactly, it's what would be in my PC right now instead of the Aerocool. ;)

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Guest Halvis
Wow, I highly doubt that this statement is true, though I'm sure it might be some day if you manage to successfully get everyone using an OCZ GameXStream and nothing else lol. Perhaps both DFI and DFI-Steet could add it to their terms of service as a written in stone requirement. Use only OCZ power supplies OR ELSE lol!


from the REC PSU thread, post number 1.


"...These quality brands are highly recommended,

however not every power supply they offer will meet your needs,

be especially careful to make sure that the +12V rail(s) offer a

Minimum of +12V@26A for Single Video Card Systems & +12V@34A for Dual Video Card (SLI) Systems.


The Best PSU's Made: PC Power & Cooling (PC P&C)


Our Most Recommended PSU's: OCZ Technology


These are Known Good Quality & often offered at Lower Prices:

Antec, Enermax, Fortron, Hiper, Sparkle, Tagan, Vantec, XClio & Zippy."

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If my Aerocool were to break down any time soon (which it inevitably must since it's on this list) I'll very likely buy an OCZ GameXStream to replace it.

Maybe the Aerocool will be nice and leave you with some working parts to use a new psu with.

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Maybe the Aerocool will be nice and leave you with some working parts to use a new psu with.

One can only hope. Of course, if a power supply was going to destroy everything in rig, it will not have mattered which one I was using. That's the kind of luck I have lol. ;)

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