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I Think I May Have Fried My Ram!

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alright this post is an extension of my last post, found here. Im begining to think that it may not be the mobo that is fried, i think it may be the ram. reason being, i left the computer unplugged all night with the cmos battery out, and it still didnt do anything this morning when i plugged it back in. If a computer has bad ram, will it do what i described in the previous, by that i mean, just sit there and look like its booting but not actually do anything, And i know its not the video card either cause i tried a different one and that didnt work. So what do you guys think? Am i screwed and need a new stick of ram?

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I guess you disabled the post-reporter, she would've told you if it was the ram: system failed memory test or...


I've had 2 dead A7N8x d and they had the very same thing, nothing @ all wile all leds and fans work.

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I'm sure you guys know, but the basics needed for booting are: Mobo, CPU, Ram, Video, Power. if ONE of these fails it will keep the system from booting. I'd suggest trying another PSU, CPU, and ram. You've already eliminated the Video card so that's all that's left to rule out besides the mobo.

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I guess you disabled the post-reporter, she would've told you if it was the ram: system failed memory test or...


I've had 2 dead A7N8x d and they had the very same thing, nothing @ all wile all leds and fans work.

if rams fried you wont be able to post, thus the "lady" wont say anything. Im just about to try some different ram, then if that works, ill know its the ram, if it doesnt, all i got left to check is the power, which i highly doubt, but you never know :bah:







Ok news flash, its not the ram, i tried some different ddr and its not the ram.


Thus and the end of this process i have elimated everything as the problem, except of course the MOTHERBOARD, ASUS has got some explaning to do! I need a new board!! gosh dang it! Looks like i have to get a job now....

Edited by andrusk

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when your ram doesn't work your mobo says "system failed memory test" if P.O.S.T Reporter is enabled. if nothing happens, it has not even gotten to checking your ram. i tried booting with out memory before and it went straight to "system failed memory test". the a7n8x board was made in a way that would send a signal to the sound controller to make it play one of the sounds that was recorded to something like the EPROM (pretty sure it was the EPROM, but might be a different type of memory chip). you can find out more about it at their site. gl luck with getting a new board.

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When i install over 512 ddr mem it goes all fubar and when i boot it hangs up

and post biyatch says Cannot boot due to overclocking or something along those lines when my fsb is at 100 lol its reallly messed

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thanks for all your comments and help guys, I appreciate it. I was kinda hoping that it was the ram, because i wanted to get some new ram anyways, but it looks like my next paycheck will go towards a new motherboard, unless of course asus pulls through and gives me a new one(cross fingers). Now its time i go spend the next 12 hours of my life on tech support trying to convince them to send me a return authorization. Oh well, wish me luck, ill be back later. :(

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