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X2 3800 OC Questions


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I'm building a system around an X2 3800. I've seen this CPU cap out at around 2.6Ghz. Would I be better off purchasing ram with very tight timings at 260Mhz (2-3-2-5) as opposed to say, ballastix (3-3-3-8, but higher frequency potential.) Is the ballastix really neccesary seeing as I won't be able to get the CPU as fast as the ballastix would like to?


Also, do you think watercooling will be neccesary? It seems like 2.6 is a moderate overclock.

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Watercooling won't be necessary, it really doesn't add a huge amount of cooling over what good heatsinks can do these days. Look at the XP90, XP120, and SI120's for heatsinks that are popular among DFI users (especially the XP90). You really won't see much if any difference in the overclockability of the processor, you'll just run at temps slightly higher.


I would get the best RAM you can. If you think you can get something that will run at 260 (2-3-2-5) then your rig will be all that much better. OCZ Gold VX frequently performs at that level though with extra voltage which then requires extra cooling on the RAM.


Also realize that the latest Beta BIOS actually lets you run the RAM at higher clockrates than the CPU's FSB (it's not really FSB but you know what I mean).


Lastly, all bets off in terms of counting on any particular overclockability. Some X2's overlock very little and others are great overclockers (I felt very lucky with hitting 2.8 rock stable with my X2-3800).

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I agree that water cooling is not really necessary, but as you can see Contrariedad and I both are water cooled :P I got to 2.5 on stock cooling so a XP90 should get you a nice OC.


If you have the $ I thought this stuff was pretty awesome 2x1024MB OCZ PC4000EB (OCZ5002048EBPE-K) and something like this may give you a little more flexibility if your CPU decides it wants to do 2.9 or something :) or you can run it on a divider for tighter timings. Of course there are lots of 1gb options too.


Just remember that timings and ram speed will only make a small impact on the overall speed of your system.


Good luck with your OC. Ill look forward to seeing it in the OCDB

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go with stuff that can do tight timings and run a divider if you need to. AG had a thread on about 1:1 or tight timings but it was moved somewhere. but you want tight timings rather then 1:1.


although 2.6 seems like a small oc its much harder to oc dual core then single. seems like the later samples that i have seen dont oc all that well. some samples dont need many volts for 2.6 some need 1.5V and up for 2.6. its all luck of the draw but a 600mhz overclock i'd say is very good.

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I've been OCing my X2 3800+ for only about 3 days now, but I'll attest to the "luck of the draw" call. Here's my findings:


Be very sure all your parts will OC to the 2.4-2.6 range. I made the mistake of getting RAM with tight timings, but later found out that it absolutely doesn't like to OC, especially on my DFI board (I went through the OCZ forums for OCing the RAM and that's what they said.) I'd suggest you go to any user forums for the RAM you are thinking about buying and see what they say there.


Of course, PSU and Cooling are the other variables, but that's covered by others.


So far, I've only gotten 220 x 10 (4x HTT) 1:1. When I go further, my RAM won't pass Memtest 86+


Still working on it, so I'll post more details, with actual numbers when I get the chance.


Good luck and have fun.


Edit: Per sig, ran at 235 x 10 w/ 9/10 divider w/ volts at stock. Results: 9 hrs of Prime95 x2 on Blended before one CPU failed to do the math right. Played couple hours of BF2 on max w/ no probs. Running same test today at 240 x10; 9/10

Heat still seems to be the problem. I'm at 51-56c at load.

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I've been OCing my X2 3800+ for only about 3 days now, but I'll attest to the "luck of the draw" call. Here's my findings:


Be very sure all your parts will OC to the 2.4-2.6 range. I made the mistake of getting RAM with tight timings, but later found out that it absolutely doesn't like to OC, especially on my DFI board (I went through the OCZ forums for OCing the RAM and that's what they said.) I'd suggest you go to any user forums for the RAM you are thinking about buying and see what they say there.


Of course, PSU and Cooling are the other variables, but that's covered by others.


So far, I've only gotten 220 x 10 (4x HTT) 1:1. When I go further, my RAM won't pass Memtest 86+


Still working on it, so I'll post more details, with actual numbers when I get the chance.


Good luck and have fun.


George, you're much better off with a CPU clocked on a higher clock even if you have to put your RAM on a divider. In fact, many people will put their RAM on the 1:2 divider and determine how far the CPU can go. Then they later on figure out how far the RAM can go.

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I've been OCing my X2 3800+ for only about 3 days now, but I'll attest to the "luck of the draw" call. Here's my findings:


Be very sure all your parts will OC to the 2.4-2.6 range. I made the mistake of getting RAM with tight timings, but later found out that it absolutely doesn't like to OC, especially on my DFI board (I went through the OCZ forums for OCing the RAM and that's what they said.) I'd suggest you go to any user forums for the RAM you are thinking about buying and see what they say there.


Of course, PSU and Cooling are the other variables, but that's covered by others.


So far, I've only gotten 220 x 10 (4x HTT) 1:1. When I go further, my RAM won't pass Memtest 86+


Still working on it, so I'll post more details, with actual numbers when I get the chance.


Good luck and have fun.


Edit: Per sig, ran at 235 x 10 w/ 9/10 divider w/ volts at stock. Results: 9 hrs of Prime95 x2 on Blended before one CPU failed to do the math right. Played couple hours of BF2 on max w/ no probs. Running same test today at 240 x10; 9/10

Heat still seems to be the problem. I'm at 51-56c at load.


George - Sad to hear your woes with your ram, but I've been able to get to 2.63 so far with my 2x1GB OCZ Plat EL.

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I managed to get to 2.7Ghz on my 3800 but I had to put another fan blowing on the mb to keep the PWMIC temperature down. I get to about 60 on the CPU and 64 on the PWMIC, using 1.58v and 2.8 on the DRAM( ram is running 1:1 with 3 3 3 8 timings ). This is with the side of the case closed. If I leave the side off then the temps are about 5 deg lower.

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Jiminy! U and I seems to have quite the same setup, except my Kingstons... so...could U make me a list what settings i should change in bios to get 2.7Ghz?


Kingstons are now running 2.77 and timings

CPU shows 1.33v ???

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