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Unofficial Opteron 939 Thread

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Agreed. The primary concern with over-voltage seems to be CPU death, where circuitry physically burns out. Depending on the level of over voltage, this may occur immediately, or slowly over time. If you want your chip to last three years, 1.65V may not be in your best interests. The secondary concern is a dying memory controller, which tends to happen over time. In this case, one finds that memory frequencies that were once stable are no longer so, requiring the use of a divider to maintain clockspeed. Neither of these are good things.


OPB's problem seems to be unrelated. It is important to note that his Expert board was, as Martin pointed out, a pre-production model, and not the final retail version. It is widely believed that the Experts available to mortals like us will not have this problem. That being said, my Expert is arriving tomorrow, and I will NOT be putting either of my Opterons in until after several days of rigorous (read extreme) testing. Better safe than sorry...

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i guess he was talking about this





I bought this damn Opteron so I can run good MHz (2700+) at stock vcore, and use the higher overVOLTed clocks sparingly, like for lanpartys and hardcore games only a couple hours here and there. WTF. Now I gotta rethink my whole setup. I guess thats what I get for trying to run a "safe" overclock. Stupid!


. hell!!!


OK.... Now that I have vented, I'm thinking maybe 1.45v. Just to go as high as that will take me and that should be safe for Redlines at 3.5v. Talking about 24/7 useage here folks (not actual 24hrs, just "everyday" setting). I would seriously appreciate everyones input here. PLEASE...

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I wouldn't let a bit higher voltage worry you too much. Opterons seem to be a bit more tolerant of voltage than venices. I've seen guys running 1.85 volts and that would've killed most anything else instantly. In two years amd's will be running 6ghz so your chip isn't going to be worth a lot by then.


Not that a 10% overvolt is going to hurt it. You could OV by 10% and run your chip forever most likely but having too much voltage differential between ram and cpu will kill it quicker, it's a pretty easy decision what to do.


I wonder if that problem works both ways? What if you have 2.6 for your ram and 1.7 on your cpu? That give a .4 differential going the other way does that cause problems also?

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well until someone gives me evidence these statements are true i wont be laying off the volts or overclock

end of the day, i only paid £100 for each cpu and they were bought for 1 reason, clock the hell out of them, so what if it dies in a year, theres a 90% chance i would of upgraded by then anyway, i even put 1.7V through the 146 the other day trying 3.3ghz and was sat waiting for a pop & some smoke. people are putting between 1.7V & 1.8V through these and i havnt seen many die so far, you only live ounce, have some fun and enjoy your clocks :D

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Got mine today local from Monarch. Retail Opteron 146 CABYE 0540! $190 bucks!!I dont have a dfi board but would love to post my results here. May go DFi in the future when I get better ram I have value memory. So far here is my results on stock voltage:


2800mhz 10X280 Running Prime95 as we speak!



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Thank you all for the input. My only concern is because my last two computers ended up being VERY long term investments. See five [5] years. Some things that may be alright for most, might not be for me, due to my PC's unusually long lifespan. But I got a little money now, so problably within a year I'll be on a good 2gb kit, so I'll be alright.


Thanks all. It looks like it'll be 1.45v cpu for 3.3v-3.5v ram.

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Well I can't figure mine out for the life of me


I got my 146 today from zipzoomflfy



I've tried everything under the book including 5 different bios revisions and cant get past 2.7GHz (270)

If i try 271 or higher then during bootup when it's supposed to say "backup BIOS: OK!", it doesnt show that and the computer restarts

And it will do that all the way up to 3.2GHz before it doesnt post

I know for a fact its not my memory since im running a 2/3 divider


The weirdest part about it is at 2.7 its rock solid stable, Prime, SuperPI, no errors at all.

I've never seen a CPU that couldn't go high enough to get some kind of error in something


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

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raise the cpu voltage or use a ram divider? ;)


i am using a divider, and i've tried every voltage up to 1.7


thats another weird thing, it does 2.7GHz on the stock voltage, but wont do anything higher no matter what voltage i set it at

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Well I can't figure mine out for the life of me


I got my 146 today from zipzoomflfy



I've tried everything under the book including 5 different bios revisions and cant get past 2.7GHz (270)

If i try 271 or higher then during bootup when it's supposed to say "backup BIOS: OK!", it doesnt show that and the computer restarts

And it will do that all the way up to 3.2GHz before it doesnt post

I know for a fact its not my memory since im running a 2/3 divider


The weirdest part about it is at 2.7 its rock solid stable, Prime, SuperPI, no errors at all.

I've never seen a CPU that couldn't go high enough to get some kind of error in something


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Actually, I more than likely suspect that it is indeed your memory timings. I have been playing with 4x512 A LOT over the past few days, and bump into this issue like 12 times every night. At this very moment I am in windows after a CMOS reloaded flash because 4 times in a row wiped out my settings!


I find that the most important factors with this problem are MAL/Read Preamble settings. I just tried 10/7.5, which booted successfully for the first time ever at 270 2.5-4-4-10 2T, but was unstable. Moved to 10/8; welcome to Crashville, population me. Going for 11(!) next. Play around, and try loosening your other timings as well. It'll go, but these chips are TOUCHY when it comes to timings.


Would also recommend one of the BigToe BIOSes. 704-2BT is very friendly at auto. And lastly,try more Vcore.

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