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Unofficial Opteron 939 Thread

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aowen512, have you tried Prime95 and then check out the vcore voltage and see how it behaves? What about at BIOS, does it jumps like that (cpu-z)?


Mine variates a lot, from 1.442v to 1.455... but I blame my psu. Before with my SD 3700+ at 2.9 ghz the vcore graph was a flat line, as in "he is death Jim"... but with this Opteron 175 things started to change and now the vcore jumps around like a small zigzag. You might have to check your psu more closely just to be sure its not the one responsible.


Other than that I would listen to the BIOS vcore reading more than any windows software, and above all the CPU VID Special % and the CPU VID value, readings aren't accurate.


Good luck

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Guest LithoTech

i doubt it - the software shows a lower voltage than bios. If u use a multimeter you'll most likely find that the vcore voltages are as set in bios with vdimm overvolting.


I re-calibrated MBM with my idle readings so that MBM idle pretty well reflects my mm readings:-



Bios :-

Vcore = 1.40v x104% = 1.456v Vdimm=2.8v


luck :)


Mind if I ask, how did you calibrate MBM?


I just poked around in voltage settings, and couldn't find anywhere to adjust the settings as per how much it displays per rail.




As for what I am doing in this thread... well... even though I've barely started with this Venice, a local supplier had a pretty good deal on Opty 144's till Tuesday the 21st.


I kind of heard about them being discontinued, or at least not available to mainstream, and really planned to move into one eventually. AMD is forcing my hand, errr, wallet, early!! :D;)


Not sure what diff it'll make atm, because I think it's the ram I am struggling with right now. Thought I found a sweet spot last night, ran 12+ hours error free memtest, then tried booting into windows and had all sorts of problems: usb keyboard no login, usb mouse no work, bumb volts got me to desktop for more anomalies so I reverted. Some other setting must be off. PM me for a list of bios settings if anyone is feeling helpfull.


Hardest decision for me to make regarding the Opty is if to take the bargin 144, or dump the extra $90 and get a 146. Since I think I'll be keeping this next CPU for quite a while, the temptation is very hard to resist. It's $90 I don't really have, but it's also an investment I can sort of justify by selling the Venice, using plastic (thankyou MasterCard), and buying a 10x multi would keep me a lot happier for months down the road.


I'm also worried about stepping. I can't get a definative statement from the supplier as to the stock's stepping. All I can go by is some posts by customers on their web site.


The latest posts for the 146 are dated March 1st, and have a CACJE 0603FPMW stepping, fellow was primed at [email protected].


The latest posts for the 144 is March 18, and it's a CAB2E :( But, he's claiming a 2.7 300x9 @1.45 on it.


I'd love a 148, out of my price bracket, it's nearly $200 more. Just can't do it right now.


I realise there isn't much data on the CACJE yet, but I do see you guys are doing nicely, 2.9-3.2+! And there is no way to know exactly when these chips will be cut off. Yet I can say that this supplier tends to dump stock like this when it impending discontinued. So I have a feeling...


I suppose, all I have nothing to loose my waiting, I have a great Venice 3000 to play with, barely started on her. Got a little discouraged because I didn't have the time to devote to it, but then did and couldn't get the ram past 210 at stock timings. Still can't actually. But loosened them a little, read a lot, and got a stable 225 wich ran for almost two weeks uptime working, folding, benching and gaming. Then I had to push it, lol, 240, yeah, stable in memtest! Poo on windows! Bah!


Anyway, any comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I feel I need some advice. For some reason I am finding amking any decision on this difficult, even though it's really petty cash as far as the business goes. I plan to post my Venice for sale tomorrow morning, as well as two computers I've got ready to go here. Gonna be a busy week no matter how it goes. :P

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What about just adding the diference?


Like this:


V5=$24*0,0645 //V +12.00 (MBM shows 11.83v and DMM shows 12.27v)


V5=$24*0,0645 + 0.44 //V +12.00 (12.27 - 11.83 = 0.44)



Not sure about the sintaxis, but it worked with my MBM... I got the clue because other V values had the same sintaxis.

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hi Sorrento,


I played with mine & addition didn't work for me, also not sure if subtraction would work if mm < MBM reading.


what also works is change

V5=$24*0,0645 //V


V5=$24 //*0,0645 //V MBM now dispays the 8bit register value 0-255 so the new multi is Multimeter volts/ Register value.

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Well not sure, maybe it has something to do with the type of sensor (brand of motherboard). I have only adjusted adding or substracting with other motherboards, not with my DFI since I never used MBM with it.


I am buying a Logitech G15 just to monitor the temperature while in a game, since SLI doesn't let me use dual monitors... at least I know MBM5 works with it, thats the reason I am interested in MBM5 again :)

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I just say the DFI boards a great the board(in sig)replaces a Asrock 939dual sata that failed me from the get-go an i'll have to say the support on these forums are amazing. After a wknd of messing around im at my current setup 2.7 an stable tho im sure theirs more i could get outa it ,just means alot of fine tuning.


Also like to say thanks to all for making the Guides here HUGE help.

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Speaking of Guides, the MBM5 one is good too... and Supershanks' adition as well :)


IMO MBM5 uses more cpu cycles than other smaller sensor reading programs, thats why I stopped using it when I had my Abit NF7-S v2.0... and I still have it, but not with MBM5 since I my main system use AMD64. The logs however, as well as the ability for adjusts and other stuff are very nice, I might have to use it again unless I find something better for the G15 keyboard.

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just got the phase unit cranking and here are the results from the first night's worth of benching :D


BIG THANKS TO C-BuZz for building this nice phase unit for me :nod:




i just went straight for 3.3GHz


i couldn't use 10.5xmulti to get 13/ratio for RAM hence i only have 235MHz on RAM :(..................run was done with MBM5 so i can see the temps



3300MHz 32M SuperPI


windows idle core temp = -28C

windows idle evap temp = -40C


windows SPI 32M core load temp = -16/-18C

windows SPI 32M evap load temp = -36/-38C








3355MHz 8M SuperPI....heheh too late for 32M runs


windows idle core temp = -26/-28C

windows idle evap temp = -39C


windows SPI 32M core load temp = -16/-18C

windows SPI 32M evap load temp = -36/-37C





3405MHz 8M SuperPI


windows idle core temp = -26/-27C

windows idle evap temp = -38C


windows SPI 32M core load temp = -15C

windows SPI 32M evap load temp = -36C



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3455MHz 8M SuperPI


windows idle core temp = -26/-27C

windows idle evap temp = -38C


windows SPI 32M core load temp = -15C

windows SPI 32M evap load temp = -35C









i did a few loops of 32M......just need to figure it out....but it looks benchable close to 3.5GHz :leet:








almost 20minutes argh







here is a photo of 3.5GHz 32M SuperPI run........... -12C load....need a little better temps to make it stick :nod:



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