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Monitor Modding

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im one of those ppl who like all their computer components to match and im leaning toward the blue, black, silver look. unfortunately my monitor is beige and was wondering what i could do to make it another color without spray painting it. it would most likely be silver. if i do paint it, if something would happen to go wrong wit the monitor, would the company that made it help in any way becuz i voided the warranty by opening the monitor up or sumthin? thats my main problem with painting it. so what else can i do? thanks.

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Once you paint it, your warranty is voided I'd say 99.9% of the time? lol


First, paint a primer on it. (You might want to sand down it a LITTLE bit) You could try using a flat enamal paint, such as for model cars. Then paint a clear gloss coat over it. You should be good to go!


I'm in the process of painting my case as we speak - I gotta go outside soon and paint some more primer...lol

Edited by DevilMB3017

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deffinatly run over the whole thing with some very fine sandpaper first, it helps the primer stick better. i painted my monitor a while back and i took the whole thing apart to od it too instead of just taping off what i didnt want painted it came out okay but the power button didnt work anymore so i bought a 17'' LCD :D the mainthing to remember when fooling around with monitors "DONT TOUCH ANYTHING OR YOU COULD DIE A LOT" look for a guide online somwhere and do a bit of reaserch on CRT monitors first so you know what your looking at when you take the case off. good luck and remember to do a before and after photos :lol:



i read over your post again after i replied and an alternative to painting it could be that case wrap/contact paper stuff its like a big sticker goto home depot and see if the have plain white contact paper and make a pattern for your monitor, paint it and stick it on. it should be removable too just try not to block vent holes.

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contact paper huh? hmmm, interesting idea. perhaps i could jus stick it on the front, which wouldn't block ne holes or anythin. thx! maybe i'll try that. would i measure the screen n measure where the buttons are on my monitor n use that as a basis as where to cut on the contact paper so it fits near perfectly on my monitor?

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Why are you taking it apart to paint it? Just paint it I paint them all the time without taking them apart it won't hurt anything to paint it. Just do a 24 hour burn after the paint has dried. Out of all the monitors I've painted I've never had one with a problem, but your still on your own if something happens. :ph34r:

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ya but it won't hurt the stuff anyway, only way you'll hurt it is if your dumb enough to turn it on while it's wet, that could possible the most retarded thing anyone could do. Be like throwing water on it while it's plugged in otherwise it's no big deal as long as you let it dry.

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you can always mask off vents and the glass with masking tape before painting. Just remember the capacitors inside a monitor easily hold enough current to kill you even after unplugged for a long time. I've worked on exposed monitors before, and I'd suggest reading up on how to safely discharge the capacitor before you even think about taking the covering off. At the very least, unplug the monitor and leave it sit for 72+ hours (Yes, I know that's three days, that's probably a little on the short side actually) There are also some pretty decent paint pens/markers on the market now that would not create the overspray issues (you could always brush paint it too...) But definately etch the surface somehow before applying a primer THEN paint. (and make sure the primer and the paint are compatible, trust me on this one...)

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