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Ever Heard Of This?

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My friend is trying to sell me a cpu but when i asked him what kind it was, he said an AMD Athlon ATX...?

He also said that its stock speed is 900mhz! Has anyone ever heard of this processor or did he give me the wrong name for it?

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i would say its just an amd 900mhz proc and the motherboard form factor is atx lol


does your buddy know much about comps :O

He knows how to build them, thats it! He barely knows how to use them! And hes not giving me a mobo with it, hes just giving me the cpu! Thats why its confusing me very badly!

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He knows how to build them, thats it! He barely knows how to use them! And hes not giving me a mobo with it, hes just giving me the cpu! Thats why its confusing me very badly!

thats hard to imagine...i mean...what? he knows where to plug all the stuff into but after that he's lost?

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thats hard to imagine...i mean...what? he knows where to plug all the stuff into but after that he's lost?

lol, i mean, he knows everything that i know (i taught him almost everything i know, the his dad taught him the rest, then he went and got a job....where i struggle to get a job with computers :angry: ), hell, you could point to something inside a comptuer and he could name it with his eyes closed....thats why i don't understand why he said Athlon ATX <_<

But yes, after that, hes pretty much lost!

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