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I don't want to catch ANY of you doing this...


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I built a computer, about 18 months ago, for one of my customers who wanted me to provide Windows XP with the condition he would purchase the other programs needed (Office, Photoshop, etc) and install them himself. No problem at all.


So I get this call on my cell phone this morning from this same gentleman. After several minutes of listening to his predicament, I asked if I could call him back to see if I could find a solution to his predicament. Here is what transpired:


1. Receives computer, everything is operating smoothly.

2. Receives all of his ordered retail software.

3. Installs said software.

4. Copies the source CD contents, along with text file of serial numbers, to hard drive under the following folders:


C:Program FilesSourceOffice

C:Program FilesSourcePhotoshop

C:Program FilesSourceFlashXP

...so on and so forth.:confused:


5. Throws away the original boxes & CDs (including the master box that I gave him with the custom made Windows XP restore disk, warranty cards, etc) because he has them on the hard drive now.:eek2:

6. Hard drive dies...:sad:


After contemplating this for awhile, I call him back and inform him that it was not wise to have thrown everything away (yep, just call me Captain Obvious :P ) and explain several various options available to him to restore his software (data recovery, lookup receipts and get replacement CDs, or buy new copies), none of which he cares to much for and voiced his opinion pertaining to such.


Then he asks can I replace (give him pirated versions) the software for him to which I responded with a resounding no and the valid, legal reasons why. He hung-up on me at that point.


I sure hope that none of you all are as 'un-informed' as this gentleman.

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*sigh* I'm glad I don't have your job, just because I would not have been at all civil with said gentleman. Honestly, what was he thinking? Software is already expensive as hell, why risk the chance of losing original CD's? I make ISO copies of everything I buy, just for the convenience of having it right there if I need it, but I'm sure to keep all the original CD's in a case...

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I went out to his house to drop-off a replacement MS optical mouse and saw the opened shipping boxes.

What makes you think he really bought the programs that he said he did? This may just be a line?
Besides, every customer I have knows up-front that I do not tolerate BS lines trying to manipulate me. They also know that if they are straight-up with me, then I will do whatever I can, within reason, to assist them through their difficulties. They intentionally BS me just once, and they will no longer be my customer.


So far, only 1 of my customer's has pulled a line of crap on me. My response, in front of 2 other people who just happened to be present at the time, was:

"It appears that I will be unable to meet the level of service you require. Here is a list of other local shops that may be better at accomodating you. Good day to you Sir."
He was trying to convince me that he purchased a pirated OEM version of Office XP from me when he bought his computer and even produced a 'receipt' of such.


Seems he forgot that I included a phrase on his original stating that he declined purchasing Office XP from me and decided to get it off of eBay. In addition, the invoice he produced only had the Office XP listed - no mention of the computer at all - and had the same invoice number as the one listing his equipment. tsk tsk...st00pid moron. Takes a lot to get one past me.

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You could give him another copy of windows xp as long as it's the same flavor, ie oem or retail, or vlm if it's that type, or free if it's that type but I doubt it.


Err what I mean is as long as he's got the serial still, he's allright, he just needs another copy(same type) of windows.

Same would go for the rest of the software.


As you pay for the key, not the actual cd you know?


There's a free ver of windows out there as well, but you have to be at the microsoft meeting places to get them, I dn where these might be but it's a free disc passed around that does'nt ask for a key.

I have a few of these myself but not for the windows I'm using right now, just vlm for this 2k3 ent.


If he tossed everything then he's gonna have to goto the store and buy another copy :.


I myself don't sell rigs with windows on them, I sell them bare bones, but i do know others that do sell them with windows on them.

They use oem keys, one per rig you know, err I mean they don't reuse them for other rigs.


Recently I heard about someone around here selling rigs, but installing windows with the same key over and over, but also giving out the correct certs and keys for each one, just that he used the same key from his own rig on the rigs he sold when he installed them.

He got caught and had to fess up, was a mistake some people would make.

He was not in the right to do so but he did'nt get into trouble because he actually gave out the certs and keys for each one on the side.

I believe he was told to never doit that type of thing again.


Stuff like that.



Anyways that guy threw his discs away?

That's a bit strange but ohwell I guess ^^.

Then again alot of people out there tend to trash there discs after a certain period anyways, from neglect.

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You could give him another copy of windows xp as long as it's the same flavor, ie oem or retail, or vlm if it's that type, or free if it's that type but I doubt it.
He has no key as it was attached to the CD case which was in the master software box.
Err what I mean is as long as he's got the serial still, he's allright, he just needs another copy(same type) of windows.

Same would go for the rest of the software.

Depends on which 'lot' they were produced from. One lot WinXP SP2 CD key may not work with a different 'lot' of WinXP SP2. 'Lot' meaning different production time periods.
As you pay for the key, not the actual cd you know?
True, yet if he attempts to get a replacement key/CD from MS, he will have to pay for it.


There's a free ver of windows out there as well, but you have to be at the microsoft meeting places to get them, I dn where these might be but it's a free disc passed around that does'nt ask for a key.

I have a few of these myself but not for the windows I'm using right now, just vlm for this 2k3 ent.

Not saying this is untrue but from the several years of working with MS O/S products, the only one's I have seen that do not ask for a key are early development (aka BETA) versions or developer versions.


If he tossed everything then he's gonna have to goto the store and buy another copy :.
That is one option he has.


They use oem keys, one per rig you know, err I mean they don't reuse them for other rigs.
And that is the way it should be. Though, there is one phrase in the Eula that allows for the same key to be used for a laptop and desktop at the same time, though you can't use the same key for 2 laptops or 2 desktops.


Recently I heard about someone around here selling rigs, but installing windows with the same key over and over, but also giving out the correct certs and keys for each one, just that he used the same key from his own rig on the rigs he sold when he installed them.

He got caught and had to fess up, was a mistake some people would make.

He was not in the right to do so but he did'nt get into trouble because he actually gave out the certs and keys for each one on the side.

I believe he was told to never doit that type of thing again.

That is a very bad business practice. It may speed-up productivity doing it that way, but is in no way condoned by MS, or me for that matter.

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call him back, fart in the phone and hang up on him! lol


seriously though, i have no time for those type of people. obviously he has issues. you are better of w/out him. consider it a blessing.

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I have to commend you ace on always being profesional, because clearly this sir was not, he makes a mistake and expects you to solve it for him, by whatever means necesary, I work with computers at times like you, and I have had customers call me back for their internet connections problem, nothing to do with the computer I built, but ISP services, although I techinically, legaly am not oblidged to help at all, I always do, but I had my share of expereince such as the one you had. Although I would most likely not have more patience with the fact, he was backing to hd, a perishable medium, and not keeping in cds/dvd which last much longer, I mean common sense....

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help me understand OEM OS a bit better. The OEM OS can not change systems it was built on, it is part of the hardware it was built with and can not be moved correct? The OS can be on a desktop and labtop at the same time? What are some of the other quircks out the OEM?

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