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What do you think of Elder Scrolls IV

Oblivion Nut

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What do you think will be the minnimum system requirements for

The Elder ScrollsIV: Oblivion?


Here are some videos you can watch of game play so you can judge. Watch video 2.




As you can see by my name I am obssesed with this game. I have been for 3 years.

All the blood sweat and tears I put into my rig were for Oblivion. I know I will probably be able to play it but there are thousands of HardCore fans who are unsure. They dont have uber DFI rigs like us.

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Really I think any AMD64 (3000+) and above will be fine. The main thing that this game is gonna need is graphics horsepower (as will a lot of the newer games coming out Like, Unreal3, UT2007, Prey, etc)..


I personally think the minimum specs for the cards will be the Geforce FX5xxx and ATI 9800 pro. Mid Rangwe will be the GeForce 6xxx and ATI Equivilent. and high end of course will be a 7800GTX and X850.


I wouldnt reccomend playing it on anything less than a 6600GT and even on that dont be suprised if its not gonna be smooth. Stuff like F.E.A.R. run fine as long as you dont go silly with the GFX options. and Im sure Oblivion will be the same.

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Playing a first Person RPG on a joypad???? Urgh,,!!!


Gimme Mouse and Keyboard any day! :D


But yeah thats a cheap way to upgrade for it I guess. I personally wont touch consoles as I O/D'd on one back in the 90's (Super Famicom). Im getting a 6800 Ultra in a coupla months so I know I should be all set to play it on my PC :)

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i dont like FPS on a console and will never play FPS on a console, only on a PC


Elder Scrolls though has 3rd person view as well as 1st person, and I have a nice HDTV, as well as a nice lazy reclining chair


I get tired of sitting at my computer hour after hour, day after day


I will also get the PC version so momma can play it as well as myself on the pc to see what the differences are etc...but I'm getting a 360 either way (for hockey and PGR3 and NFS and whatever else that is cool)

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halo was the only FPS ive ever liked on a consol. the play control was supurb.

i just got the elderscrolls delux pack a few weeks ago.....just because ive heard so much.....but honestly after a few days i got bored. mabee because its so old now.

but mostly iw was because of the lumpy combat system.

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halo was the only FPS ive ever liked on a consol. the play control was supurb.

i just got the elderscrolls delux pack a few weeks ago.....just because ive heard so much.....but honestly after a few days i got bored. mabee because its so old now.

but mostly iw was because of the lumpy combat system.

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Mouse and keyboard are in the works (I think) for the Xbox 360. This game will be one of the very popular titles for the launch of this system. Looking forward to seeing what else Microsoft will use to keep Xbox ahead in the nex-gen race.



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I personally will stick with a computer for all gaming as previous generations from Microsoft and Sony didn't have any games that held my interest, while there have a been a number for the computer.


And to answer your question, I'm sure they will set up the game so it plays on lower-end cards just finr, so the 6600GT would likely be acceptable. I have heard that it will be multi-threaded, so perhaps a dual core CPU would increase performance, but I'm betting only in load times of areas.

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I sure hope they bump up to minium GF6 series, GF5 are so underpowered, and a game like that derserves to look good. Although I guess for those that do not have access, I feel bad for them. At the moment I am one of them 32mb of Video at the moment Woo! Lol, Consules are fun, Computer is the best for sure, but I have to say, I prefer RPGs on the consule, easy to navigate, and much better leasure, Although FF7 in PC was very fun.

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