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Cpu Fan Recommendation

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IF you want professional recomendation I would choose either the Volcano 7+ or Spark 7+ from Thermaltake. They will handle that 2.2 and any o/cing u want to do just fine. the 7+ is rated for upto 2.8 and I have a 2.4 @ 3.6 right now running less than 45 C full load at 1200FSB!! thats a 50% o/c.

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thanks again. another question, actually 2 :P


i've heard the volcano 7+ can get a bit loud. is it?

and what type of fan would you recommend that is 3000rpm or faster? no tornado please...too loud LOL


thanks a lot guys,


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The problem with copper coolers is that you need a good air pressure to dissipate the heat unlike alu. HS wich dont take as much air to do the same thing but copper takes away more of that heat.Conclusion,high cfm fans with copper HS :D

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