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nF4 Memory Advice (updated 14/11/06)


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Looking for some help choosing some RAM to buy for my new Lanparty powered PC :)


I've read the guide and done a search online for stick in my price range/wants


-No overclocking (Hence PC-3200)



All the OCZ stuff seem out of my price range being ~$400 AU


These G.Skill models are the closest to my price range and easiest to find:


G.Skill F1-3200USU2-2GBHS (2 timings - 2.5-3-3-6, 3-4-4-8)

G.Skill F1-3200PHU2-2GBZX

G.Skill f1-3200phu2-2gbns


However, all of these chips seem to have pretty high timings, the ones that are stated to possibly have problems earlier on in the piece.


Also, they use UCCC and Infineon CE-6 and (?) chips, which are neither recomended nor reviled in the review, whats the story with these


I'm just double checking that these are GOOD and will likely (I know nothing is 100%) be compatible with my new mobo.


Much thanks


(Side note: There don't seem to be many recommendations for 2x1gb sticks, are they more troublesome than the 2x512? Harder to find? or just not reviewed?)

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At the time of the post, 2x1GB kits were not as popular as they are now.

2x1GB kits will have higher timings, this is not going to be a problem.


At the bottom their is a small section on UCCC/CE-6.


CE-6 would be the better one to go for if you want lower latencies, they also overclock quite well.


G.skill ZX is a fine choice.

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  • 2 weeks later...



My 2 x Crucial Ballistix 512mb PC3200 RAM died in surprisingly similar fashion to the Crucial 1gb stick problem and I've been offered a refund or a replacement. I decided to take the refund not so much because I don't want to use Crucial but because I've decided to upgrade as my options (and the prices) available here in NZ have changed and there are things available now that weren't available when I purchased my RAM although I still have to pay a bit more.


Anyway, at the moment I'm considering these and I'm seeking feedback on my choices and my decision


F1-3200PHU2-1GBNT http://www.gskill.com/f1-3200phu2-nt.html timings is 2.5-4-4-8 I think 2.6~2.75V

F1-3200PHU1-1GBNS http://www.gskill.com/f1-3200phu1-1gbns.html 2.5-3-3-6 (PC3200), 2.6~2.75V memory chip unknown

F1-3200USU1-1GBHS http://www.gskill.com/f1-3200usu1-1gbhs.htm 2.5-3-3-6 (PC3200), 2.5~2.7V memory chip G.Skill page says Samsung (from the forums, I gather it's UCCC)

F1-3200PHU2-1GBZX http://www.gskill.com/f1-3200phu2-zx.html 2-3-3-6 (PC3200) 2.6~2.75V memory chip unknown but from the forums I'm believe it's Winbond CE-6



Ballistix BL2KIT6464Z505 or Ballistix Tracer BL2KIT6464L505 2.5-4-4-8 (PC4000), up to 2.8V (Tracer slightly more but I'll probably get it anyway for the fun factor of having the LEDs :-P)


The Ballistix/Tracer PC4000 are about the same price as ZX (is slightly less but different store with shipping & processing fees so ends up costing more). My G.skill choices are similar to flos and I'm guessing ZX is the best bet. HS is the speed-binned HZ UCCC I believe, so doesn't get as good timings and maybe doesn't OC as well as the ZX either (it is cheaper of course). The other ones don't seem worth considering and I just included for completeness.


However I'm strongly leaning towards the Ballistix. With that, I have guaranteed 250 2.5-4-4-8 and my OC and timings I expect on average will probably be better then the ZX (which is the G.Skill value RAM after all even if it's the best one). I know some people have done very well with their ZX (260+) but it seems to be somewhat hit and miss with a number of people only getting 240 or less. I've seen at least one user (Martin something) suggest the newer ZX are not as good as the older ones due to Winbond chip issues


Admitedly there is a slight chance my Ballistix could die like my previous ones did but I'm hoping it was a rare fluke since not many people have reported problems with the 512mb sticks. It's also cheaper of course. BTW, ironically, the Ballistix PC4000 is not much more compared to the PC3200 here now. But the price has gone up since I purchase the PC3200 (by about 10%) but of course I only get the original purchase price...


Thanks for any help!

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The ZX 2x1GB is Infineon, not Winbond.

ZX 2x512MB is not the same as the 2x1GB ZX.


If you are going to stay with 2x512MB, the Ballistix are the better choice in terms of OCing.

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Everything looks great! You might want to consider the 600w OCZ GamerXStream.


BTW what does ghetto XP Pro mean?


--For $30 more you can buy a NICE 2x1GB kit.




Good call... you and dab are right on the mark..

i gave it a look... specs on it look a bit better than the

520 too. -80% efficiency puts a smile on my power bill too..

i made the change. many thanks guys


Re: ghetto XP Pro... well its an XP Corp copy that i acquired from a job..

hotwired the serial # etc... i kinda despise microsoft's business practices

so i don't feel so bad about it. i know that gives me no right to steal it,

but it is what it is.


however, i think i will get a legit copy of the 64bit

version when it comes out..



To UncledDave, dab, mcvigo and esp wangerin on the

G.Skill F1-4000USU2-2GBHZ $180 thought


you know..you guys got me "drilling down" on newegg a bit further..

i found this for $157:


G.SKILL 2GB (2 x 1GB) 184-Pin DDR SDRAM DDR 400 (PC 3200) - $157.99

Unbuffered Dual Channel Kit System Memory Model F1-3200PHU2-2GBNS - Retail



tbh, i'm fond of samsung chips, but it has nice timings, great price

and my old OC'd 300 -> 450 celeron box has OEM infineon chips that

never let me down..


if you guys think this set is a stable product for the Ultra-D, it's in.. :D

-for $30 more... i'd be a fool not to go with'em. (and XP64 will be

all the better too..)


Last thought:


since you guys gave the good advice above.. my updated system ships at

$863 Total w/shipping.. (sweeet, tyvm!)




I know on board sound eats a few FPS and may chop some games up,

but at $64 the Creative Sound Blaster Audigy2 ZS SB0350 7.1 looks

like a decent card. i don't need extra firewire ports but i

do need the game port to fuel my old Thrustmaster F-16 FCLS and

WCS II joystick.. i find the current sub $50-$75

USB sticks too twitchy for my tastes. and a Cougar is not in my future atm..


also need MIDI for my next music purchase..


am i ok w/this card, or will the $35 OEM audigy cards suffice..


# One Day Sale

# Creative Sound Blaster Audigy2 ZS SB0350 7.1 $64

Channels PCI Interface Sound Card - OEM




and thanks again to all in this thread and DFI-Street on the whole

for giving me an excellent one stop resource to educate my

old brain to a what looks to be a killer system for the $$.


i'm ready to push the button on the buy button on my cart

over at newegg :)



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I have been having a lot of issues with my first dual core build.

Actually its also my first AMD system and have changed almost all parts during the last 6 months. Switched MOBO from ASUS to DFI for better OC control and carried over my RAM (Corsair Twin2048-3200C). I got close last week to a boot with these sticks, but locked up after OS loaded. I changed the BISO setting to the recommened setting from this forum. Before I did't even get out of the BISO. I am currently running on one stick.

A side issue was also PSU where my Ultra X-Connect 2 died and my Antec TruePower 550w does not do well at loads. I have coming in a OCZ 600w PSU to correct the power issues, but am re-think the RAM issue. I have RMA approval from Corsair, but I really do not have confidence that they will work in this system. I have also read this "sticky" and would like some input in my change decision.

So, below is what I think is the RAM solution, but chime in if you feel I should look at anything else. Does the OCZ below look like a fit to my build out or is there other RAM that I should consider? :confused:


OCZ EL DDR PC-3200 Platinum [2x1GB] (TCB3/Other) [2-3-2-5]

Part number: OCZ4002048ELDCPE-K


OCZ Gold GX 2GB (2 x 1GB) 184-Pin DDR SDRAM DDR 500 (PC 4000) Unbuffered System Memory Model OCZ5002048ELGEGXT-K

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bearcat245 Both OCZ modules will be fine, the PC4000 one would be better for overclocking. But maybe wait for the new PSU first?



A Very nice set of 2x1GB sticks.

(Must add TEAMGROUP to the list soon.)

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