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Star Wars Kid Sues!

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At least they aren't suing for 8 million dollars because they spilled coffee on themselves and it was hot...or because they ate mcdonalds everyday and got fat...or because they smoked cigarettes and got cancer


if you're talking abou thte lady who got a lotta money from mcDonalds...she DID NOT SUE THEM FOR THAT MUCH. The jury awarded her that much money...how much was it, 3 million.


The jury felt that since McDonald's PURPOSEFULLY kept their coffee at a higher temperature to increse the smell (and therefore profit) from the coffee and (B) there were many many burn situations from the coffee, they needed to do something.




When you think if it that way, it's not that much money, it's nothing for McDonald's.


fyi, the lady just sued for medical damages and such, the millions wasn't her idea

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Ok blippy, but it was due to her own carelessness that spilled the coffee. It's not like someone else spilled it, she was trying to take the lid off in between her legs in a MOVING AUTOMOBILE!!!

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Frivolous lawsuits are an outrage to the whole community in it's whole and do more damage then one thinks:


1)Person sues in frivolous case for money, IE auto accidents.

2)Auto insurance pays for damages.

3)Rates are raised and add another statistic on the chart.

4)Time to check on rates, too low or too high? thank the moron who's greedy for that increase

5)YOU pay for frivolous lawsuits because Insurance pays from YOUR pocket orignally..

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I was watching TechTv and was half way through "the screen savers" and the starwars kid was brought up lol They were making fun of him to and taunting him :lol: on national TV

thus, the lawsuit.....

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They better not sue Leo laport he is like a second father to me :lol: a tv one of corse. He was made a Potatoe cannon today on teh screen savers i plan to make one and conquer the world with it! By shoving Ball bearings in it! Claymore cannon oooo ahhh

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Leo acts kinda fruity though... I used 2 watch the screen savers every day

but I never watch it now, nor do I hardly turn techtv on anymore unless

somethin like x-play, unscrewed, techlive or like fresh gear just happens

to be on...

why did they get rid of Chris Pirillo???

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Mabye it's just my American Capitalist blood running through me but if this kid/his parents want to make money off this whole ordeal, I'd schedule his a$$ for every talk-show I could book him on. And I'd probably send him with his golf-ball retriever (10 to 1 it'd sell on e-bay for a truckload of cash). Exploit the fact that he's the most famous nerd in the world at the moment (keeping the important distinction between nerds and geeks like us B) ). And as for the lawsuit, if people would just take responsibility for themselves and stop trying to blame everyone else, many of these silly lawsuits wouldn't happen. There is an issue about publishing a minor / publishing without permission. But he filmed himself so there's implied consent to the creation of the tape, just not the distribution. And the school may be partially liable for not restricting the use of the equipment, but it does boil down to the fact that the kid made a conscious decision to go crazy ninja jedi-foo with a golf-ball retriever in front of a video recorder...

We all got picked on in school at some point or another, some worse than others. Deal with it. Get over it. Get on with it.

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