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Star Wars Kid Sues!

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im not fat but i kinda got a gut. Nothing to compare to bishops beer mug belly :) but i dont see anything wrong with that its just the people that have like pale fat sweaty nasty bodies and they stick and :LKJfjdl;afl;ksjf that is nasty

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Seriously, if you read the article it is his parents suing the parents of the kids who posted the tape. Their reason for suing is the emotional damage the constant ridicule their son has recieved has inflicted. I mean jeeze how would you feel to be the butt of a joke that 10 million+ people are lauging at.

It is one thing if you set out to make people laugh but to be embarrassed in front of 10 MILLION! Crap, I would commit Hari Kari if I was that kid. He completed highschool in a mental institution for christs sake !! all because of some stupid thing he did while he was alone for his own amusement that some a$$hat found and posted.

I feel bad for the Kid I mean yea the thing is funny but at what cost. Like none of you has ever done something embarrasing which you wish you could change and while it was happening you wished you could just curl up and die. :angry:


I swear Geeks in general are disappointing me, it seems like we turn and attack our own just like a pack of hyenas the moment someone goes down. Crap, we cant even be happy when something we have wanted our whole lives happens. Like the glut of comic book movies out, instead of happy geeks everywhere, you have people spewing bile and vitriol in all directions because some little thing didn't meet their approval....Makes me ashamed to be a geek.


Face it, the kids that posted that movie are a-holes, if the star wars kid had posted it himself it would be another matter. But they did it intentionaly to ridicule the guy and that stinks on toast. Also there are copyright issues, they didn't have his permmission to post the tape for one. It is almost the same as what the person who posted the pam and tommy tape did. It sure as hell wasn't right. How would you feel if a private moment of yours was posted on the net by some one else?


BTW: the kid is not mentally retarded he was institutionalized for emotion distress caused by this craped tape. Even if he was retarded, so what does that mean it is ok to take away his dignity because he has a deminished capacity? God, people on this forum make me sick sometimes.


Cut the Star Wars kid a Break, so he is a geek and a dork, Big whoop...Who here is not! Or was in the past!


j5 out

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you're gonna talk about how 10million people saw this tape. how many people actually saw the movie?!?!? it was WORSE. the only reason he's not mad about that is cuz he got paid. he's a greedy little sob that wants to get paid for this video too!


f' him, f' this whole mess. he's out for $$$ cuz he'll never act again... after his job in star wars.

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Also there are copyright issues, they didn't have his permmission to post the tape for one.


They didnt have permission from whom? The school? It was filmed at a school with school property. There arent any copyright issues. You cant copyright a public event. If he wasnt at home he has no claim to privacy either. At BEST you could try to prevent the tape from being shown on TV seeing as how he is/was a minor at the time.


They are suing for mental anguish, period. There are no other civil claims available.


They should put him in the next Star Wars. He can be the clumsy jedi that cant quite seem to get it it right. Yoda can be in the corner mentally pushing furniture out of the way as he furiously wobbles across the floor...

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actually if it's filmed at school there are things that can be done. parents have to sign a release form for students who may appear in publications/ broadcasts of anything. especially if thier NAME is used.

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