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I killed it


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I was hoping not to have to post a noob question here, but fate and my incompetence have worked against me. I have over clocked athlons before, but this time I thought I would do it right, and not just mess around with the bios till the chip got real fast and hot. Didn't work out as planned.


I was trying to figure out how to oc the ram, I changed a setting from 5 to 8, (don't remember which one) and turned on the memtest option. Rebooted, got to the memtest and it rebooted itself. I tried one more time, same thing, but that time it doesn't post. The fans all go to full speed and stay there when I turn it on, the three leds on the left turn on, the forth one flashes, and nothing. Reset makes the forth light flash again, and the power switch doesn't turn it off unless I hold it down. The monitor is getting no signal.


When I would break something like this in the past, I'd test each part in an older system,) or put an old part in the new system) to try and narrow down the problem, but with the pci-e and the 939 socket, I don't have any old parts to work with. I would bet that the problem is in the mb/cpu, if the vid card was dead, the mb should still be acting normal.


I tried to get to safe mode with jp1, no diff. I haven't actually tested the monitor or psu yet, everything indicates they are working fine, but it never hurts to check.


Unless anyone has any ideas, I think that I am going to have to buy a new mb. And if that wasn't the problem, a new cpu. And if it still won't work, save my money for an xbox 360.

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Here is the 'official' DFI way of clearing the CMOS:


1. pull power *A/C Power from wall outlet*.

2. pull battery

3. clear cmos jumper for minimum of 30-60 seconds *For Real troublesome systems use 8 hours*.

4. replace cmos jumper to normal position

5. replace battery

6. replace power *A/C Power from wall outlet*.

7. boot to bios and load optimized defaults

8. save and exit

9. boot back to bios and now you can change settings to your liking. *Is what we are trying to get to*.


The above is especially true after some unknown boot failure and after a bios flash.

Per RGone :nod:


Good Luck,


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You are not guilty of murder. Resetting you cmos will be a rather frequent exercise if you get into the OCing and tweaking business. Look in the mods section, there is a neat 3 position switch solution that is a great alternative to the cmos jumper, which often requires major surgery to access.

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Worked, easy as pie. The clear cmos jumper kinda scared me, I figured it would just wipe all the bios out, and I figured that since it was the only red jumper on the board I shouldn't mess with it. Great feeling knowing I didn't fry the whole system. Many thanks.

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Glad you didn't fry it.


I always keep a pad of legal paper next to the box while tweaking, and write *everything* down as I'm doing it. It's too easy to lose track of where you are, what you've already done, and what you're about to do.


I already have about 25 pages of scribbling, and this thing's only about three weeks old! :)

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