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Ok, i just borowed Half-Life from a friend and the Cd-Key he gave me is invalid <_<

Does anyone know what the problem is? Or, since i really wanna play, know where i could get a new key? (for free)

Also, anyone wanna play online if i get it working...ive never played before so i basically need a pro to get me used to the game!

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lol, well what isn't illegal these days :lol::P

Its ok, i got it working


My game is kinda choppy though, im guessin its my video cards fault! Am i right, or should i just run defrag, close some programs, free up some ram and see if it works better? :lol:

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Naw i fixed the choopyness problem...it wasn't my vid card at all, it was the fact there was a virus using up 98-99% cpu usage! Got rid of it and the single player is great...since my key doesn't work for multiplayer or counter-strike :(

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