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Tmod and loggan26's Bios Flash CD & Utility CDs NF/4/3/2+ATI

Guest Tmod_merged

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Is there any chance you could add more of the 7* series bios's please?


What numbers are we talking about here?


I am sorry but I have no idea what 7* means as I don't have this board.



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Hey Pyr0, thanks for stopping by. Always nice to have a moderator from www.planetamd64.com stop by.

Lunatic or not you are welcome.

Crazed Overclockers on the street but many have been trying x64 Edition.

We refer them all to your site :D


Tmod doin' some great stuff here. BigToe started a thread with a modded Oskar Wu bios that seems to make a lot of rigs get up and dance a little faster and easier.

Nice Thread here http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=22997

ANgry Games has made it a sticky. May be worth a try for ya.


You need to import that signature over here as we have slightly different rules.

Your 64 is within the guidles so I'll post it here for ya to copy into you signature here. I've really appreciated your help when visiting the planet.



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Thanks for the welcome :)


i joined the other day, and i've been spending a couple of hours here and there, reading some of the threads

i bought myseft a DFI two days ago(UT SLI-D), finally riding myself of an asus board

i've already managed an extra 120MHz out of my 4400, DFI rules :) (still tweaking :P)

i'll be reviewing this board soon ;)


thanks for the link to my sig soundx98, but it's my old one ;)

i've changed my board and clocks since then, i've typed one into the sig box, maybe it'll show on this post


What numbers are we talking about here?


I am sorry but I have no idea what 7* means as I don't have this board.




i've seen a couple of people using a 7.02-2 bios

i'm not sure myself, i think they're betas

i think i'll just try this 704 one though, thanks :)

i hope it lets me tighten my mem timings



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I think you'd like Tmod's Boot CD and should consider using it when flashing to the 704-2BigToe. He's really trying hard to get some feedback and always welcome to new ideas. Even bizarre ones as long as their are no cameras present :D

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Very nice Tmod. I've only just got the chance to try it out, i picked up some new CD-RW's today for testing purposes etc.


Is FProt working properly? The scan seems a bit fast, unless i'm not leaving it long enough i don't know... I'll have to check it again.


Theres a lot of other DOS programs HERE. FixUtils sounds interesting, have you ever tried that? Wonder if it works on NTFS though...


What about the DOS version of Bit Defender? Thats Freeware. And theres also Avast 7.7 For DOS.

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What version of AWDFLASH are you using in it Tmod?


As you know TicTacs Infinity Bios is just a converted LanParty B bios and so the version of AWDFLASH you use seems important from my experiences. For instance, never had any problems flashing any TicTac or LanParty B Bios on my Infinity with AWDFLASH v8.33, but if i use AWDFLASH v8.22a then they will only flash if i use the /F switch.


And on a similar note, so far i've had no luck changing the P/N in the LanParty B bioses to that of the Infinities, AWDFLASH still recognises and displays the LanParty B P/N. Must be missing something...

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What version of AWDFLASH are you using in it Tmod?


I am using 8.22A as I am sure you found out.


I didn't place TicTac's bios in the Infinity section as it was made for the LanParty "B".


I know you can flash the Infinity with the LanParty "B" flash but it wasn't intended for that.


I haven't looked to see if the Giga Lan was disabled by default or not in TicTac's Bios.



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Well in that case I will change the Awdflash for that bios so it will work without any problems.


Thanks for the info.



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Hi! Very nice CD. Just a little question:

What revision of the 704-2BT is in the image? Reading in BleedinEdge there is a revision dated in 9/12/05, but i saw other like BT or BTA.


And how operate awdflash, i mean, do you use the official way: awd859e BIOSFILE.BIN /py /sn /cd /cp /cc /LD /R /f ?



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Official way isn't always the best. Everyone has their own preferences on what switches to use.


I don't think he'll use the /F switch because that could be problematic, its best to use the /F switch off for the complication CD imo. Its caused various problems in the past with some ppl losing their LAN Mac Ip's... DFI actually recommend not to use the /F switch for flashing, on nForce2's anyway...

I also think it would be a bad idea to use the /F on a compilation cd because then ppl could end up flashing the wrong bios by mistake... Get rid of the /f and add /QI(Qualify Image) is my preference...


/cc & /LD don't really matter as much if your clearing the Cmos before and after the flash manually anyway, though personally i still like to use them.


/r(reset system after flash), personally i'd rather use /e(exit to dos) because you can check whether the flash went well and if not then attempt some form of recovery. If it resets automatically then you've no chance...


/sn(don't back up the original bios). Self explanatory.


/py(program flash memory). Self explanatory.


/cd(clear DMI). Not essentially necessary but i still prefer to use it anyway. It just clears the DMI of all the information regarding your systems components and forces it to gather the information fresh on your next boot.


/cp(clear P&P(ESCD) data). Another i like to use when flashing, though again i suppose not essentially necessary.


Personally i use /cc /cd /cp /LD /sn /py /e /qi . Thats my personal preference.

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