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28 Days Later.....


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I thought the movie was pretty messed up but I did enjoy it. My fiance didn't think it was that good. but I liked it it was kinda low budget lookin and not all hollywood glorified like most movies today. I would reccomend it to anyone who likes messed up twisted but good movies. I would prob give it a B+ except for the male nudity scene scene I could have done without. wish they would have cut that out, it wasn't needed.

anyone else see it yet?

What did you think?


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I plan to see it. Hope it's great. Thanks for the heads up. I really like independent looking movies. Have you ever seen Donnie Darko? Good movie.

never seen that one gonna have to check it out for sure. What kinda movie is it what is it about? please tell me without spoiling the movie thanks. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
never seen that one gonna have to check it out for sure. What kinda movie is it what is it about? please tell me without spoiling the movie thanks. :D

donny darko is an incredible movie...it's been out since '01 halloween.


i was dissapointed with 28 days later, but i didn't see the alternate ending. did anyone see it?


another good movie, go see swimming pool......it's incredibly slow in the beginning, but the ending makes up for it

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i bought donnie darko on dvd watched it and said hmmm. i didn't quite get the ending all the way it didn't make a lot of sense to me if anyone would please explain to me the ending i understood pretty good up untill the part after his gf is run over by car and then he puts her in car and drives somewhere then i was confused after that???????

but i did think it was pretty cool especially FRANK he was the crap

my gf was scred of frank lol hahahaha


never heard of swimming pool is it independant film or no. might have to check it out. i hope you didn't mean swim fan becuz that movie was gay as ever. that movie was so gay it makes richard simmons look cool. :D

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heh, no i didn't mean swim fan. the girl in there was casted to be the hot one, however...she's a flat out dud. but yeah, swimming pool is definately more independent...and it's really odd.


as for donnie darko, watch it again, more or less the endings.

you did see that it was frank who hit the girlfriend right?


my friends and i have a couple of thoughts about the ending..maybe it was taht since he could see those wormholes, he was able to get in. a plane also went into one of those holes..and that's the thing that landed on his house.


but my friend said that the reason he went back in time was that if he never met the girl, she wouldn't have been killed...and that was the point where he was finally happy (being in love with the girl).


so i dunno man, there are a bunch of things that could explain the ending...it's up to ya

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