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Hyper Threaded

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Everything posted by Hyper Threaded

  1. Tonight, we have some science going on. I'm testing blocking out a fan mount I don't use on the P280. As it stands now, this mount acts as a black hole, it's not being used and could actually make cooling less efficient. My extremely scientific materials are cardboard and tape. I roughly cut the cardboard plate to match and taped it to the inside of the case. Result: Science bit comes from measuring temperatures and noise levels periodically. I'm already familiar with these, so I will be checking to see if there are any changes, and whether those are beneficial. If all of this proves beneficial, I am going to get a proper blocking plate.
  2. I love how my average PPD has doubled in just two days. I'm coming to get you all.
  3. Did you get it for your exact model? Many companies make different versions of the card, even though the chipset is the same.
  4. All your work for nothing, it seems.
  5. I was just astonished to see what this card could do. My old 6950 is irrelevant now, it could only put out around 10k ppd.
  6. Installed a GTX 770 into my main rig. This this just flies!
  7. You get what you pay for. I'm partial to Lamptron models, but this provides a decent budget alternative.
  8. I had previously set my eye on a 280X for around $300-$350. Once the price went over that, I started looking at the GTX 770.
  9. I would just go for the best single card you can. No matter how good you think the cooling is, you will run into heat issues down the road.
  10. I've had great luck with Samsung and Toshiba. We have a Toshiba 40" downstairs, it's been kicking for around two years. I have a Samsung 32" that was used in a bedroom for around six years. Sharp and Panasonic make some of the best televisions to my mind, but they cost quite a bit more.
  11. Ah, stick with older drivers for a while. Shouldn't be much of an issue, I recently went six months without a graphics driver update.
  12. Good...can't wait till summer Actually, I'll have my GTX 770 in a few weeks. One of those should produce around ~90k PPD.
  13. I tend to do this already. During the hottest months, I don't fold on the GPU and sometimes I even stop the CPU client.
  14. Yeah, I'm getting that GTX 770 soon. That will put me towards the top of the list again.
  15. Considering that intelligence is the best antivirus out there, using software only accounts for 10% of the job. MSE and some decent advice should yield a clean PC.
  16. RAM is usually the last thing for me. All I need to do is find some that works well with the motherboard.
  17. Another update for you guys, I have settled on either an ASUS or EVGA GTX770. Prices on the R9 280x are just too high for me to stomach.
  18. I'll be upgrading to a GTX770 in a few weeks.
  19. More times than not, my decisions are based around the motherboard and GPU. Intel is usually a given for CPUs, right now. I would actually say cooling comes first, though. I am looking for the least watts for the performance. Keeping things as quiet as possible, is the first priority.
  20. I can't do much more with this pesky old HD6950..
  21. After plenty of tweaking and testing, I decided the best thing was to stay at 900/1300. I kept running into issues trying to go higher than that. An upgrade to a newer card is still due in the next few months. My plan is to wait a bit until the mining fury dies down and the prices return to normal.
  22. Stop that! This thread is to glorify me!
  23. This case strikes a lovely balance between style, elegance and cooling ability. Looks to be incredibly well-made. Even the included fans are close to what I'd choose.
  24. This winter is why I'm finding it so hard to pass you Yes. I plan to keep it that way.
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