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ASUS Xtreme Design Contest!

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Show the world your Xtreme Design!




ASUS has joined forces with Antec, Intel , G.Skill, Nvidia, Razer, Samsung and OVERCLOCKERS CLUB to empower YOUR Xtreme ideas! Enter in a chance to win $1800 in system hardware, and a chance to attend CES 2010 in Las Vegas!


Tell US:

-How would you build your "Xtreme" System if you won the sponsored hardware.

-What is your "Xtreme Design" system's goal.

-How ASUS' "Xtreme Design" motherboard features help your system and daily life.

-Anything else that convinces us to pick your idea from the participating forums below.


This contest has 3 Stages:


Stage I:

1. Tell us what you would do with "Xtreme Design Technology!" How can ASUS' Xtreme Design features work for you? (Psst! Do your homework here: http://promos.asus.com/US/p55/index.htm )


2. Log-in to a designated participating forum.* Post your system project goals, anticipated challenges, diagrams, and sketches. Convince us you are capable of building your Xtreme Design! (Post your submitted link in ASUS's facebook event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=3150...108&index=1)


3. Win freaking awesome hardware including an ASUS Xtreme Design P7P55D Premium motherboard, Intel Core i7 processor, Nvidia Graphics, Samsung SSD, Razer Keyboard+mouse, Antec power supply, and G.Skill Memory! ASUS will select up to twenty (20) innovative proposals that show off Xtreme Design in a real working scenario. Winners will be announced for "Stage I" on http://Facebook.com/ASUSOfficialPage Nov. 13th 2009.


Stage II:

1. Twenty (20) "Stage I" winners will receive and build their concept on their sponsored hardware. Winners will show off their experience for 30 days. Share pictures and videos! Talk about your build! Document your process! Post screen-shots and tell us how you feel about "Xtreme Design". Convince us that your design is show-worthy!


An ASUS P7P55D Premium motherboard and the following sponsored products will be sent to winners. Feel free to design/use your own case, thermal soultion, additioanl GPU , additional storage, additional memory to enhance your Xtreme Deisgn


2. Five (5) engaging posters will be selected for special brand-spanking new hardware upgrades Dec. 14th.


Stage III:

One (1) lucky Xtreme Design champion will get a free trip with their rig to show off at the ASUS booth during CES 2010 in Las Vegas! Jan. 7th.







Samsung has sponsored (20) 128GB SSD drives

An extremely efficient SSD for PCs applications, Samsung's SSD features world-class sequential read and write performance.





Antec has sponsored (20) Quattro 850 Watt PSU

Antec's TruePower Quattro is more compact than most competing power supplies of the same wattage, yet ideally suited for handling the most demanding system specs.







Edited by xtremedesign

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Oops I missed the part about it being only for Canada and the US :(


Basically this is what they are looking for.


Eligible users are allowed to post system project goals, anticipated challenges, diagrams, pictures, videos and sketches. Convince us you are capable of building your Xtreme Design.


Basically with parts they have listed show how you put it together and with what case. Show pics, videos, sketches, or whatever to show how you would put it together and what it would look like. If you have a fancy case with a design show what it would look like when its complete. Talk about the goals you would be trying to obtain with the system such as a certain overclock or a certain score that sort of thing.

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Your base system will have to use the parts provided. But you are free to add more things like watercooling, custom case, more memory, additional storage etc etc. but you have to at least use the parts provided. SUPPORT THE SPONSORS!


But this contest is not just about who can build the most high end setup. That's something anyone can do...


What we are looking for is how would you use these parts and the ASUS Xtreme Design features to help you do the things you want to achieve from your system.


For example: If you're a noob at overclocking, maybe you can utilize the Turbo V Evo to do the manual work for you. Maybe you want this system to edit your movies, or music, or play games. Tell us what you want to achieve with this system.


And finally we want to see videos, images, sketches, descriptions, anything... of how YOU would make this system look. Custom case? Purchased case? will it look super clean? or super ugly? Make it your own.


Make it within your reach as well. Because if we pick you as a winner, we want to see this system built!


We want winners to talk about their experience with the products they received, and how Xtreme Design features made your life better.


LMK if that helps

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Hmm, been wanting an excuse to build socket 1156 system... that and fab up my own case :)


Wonder why nvidia chose the gtx260 over some of their newer cards..



-How would you build your "Xtreme" System if you won the sponsored hardware.

I would start off by fabbing up a case similar to a Sunbeam Acrylic UFO Cube Case(or possibly modifying one, as I have used this case before http://customerpics.xoxide.com/viewimages....111&id=1909) paying close attention to wire management as Acrylic cases dont hide much. I'd be adding a 1TB drive for storage and a DVD for movie's.


-What is your "Xtreme Design" system's goal.

To have a quite semi-portable system that would work as an entertainment system/gaming/folding rig..


-How ASUS' "Xtreme Design" motherboard features help your system and daily life.

I wold use the turbo functions to boost performance while gaming or folding and turn it back down for movie watching or listening to music, taking advantage of the boards audio.

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