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Weridest Thing Thats Happened While Playing A Game


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I have 3, 1 night like 3 am on a saturday moring i was playing golden eye on N64, and i was playing the facility just killing ppl for the fun of it, and i shot this one guy and all of a sudden y game accelerated, werid noise came out, the guy exploded, literally and the game forze.

I was so freaked out.


on a separte day i was playing turok 3 on N64 and i jumped out of this building, and where i should have fallen onto a street i feel right through it and for at least 5 minutes into computer oblivion. werid



Now on windows like 4 days ago, i was playing jedi knight 2 and i was in a bay area fighting shadow troopers, anyways the game slows down, alot and i look and there are 4 green and white flashing clouds floating through the area they dissappear soon after. and game returns to normal.

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only one of those that sounds real is falling into oblivion


I had drvier 2 for my mini psone and remember driving around one day and going off this bridge. Wasn't gonna be much but me smashing the front end of my car into the ground but I fell through the ground. Wierder still is when I fell through the ground I appeared in the sky and kept repeating the process I got bored quickly and got out of the car in mid air and it ended it. Only happened once and never again so meh.

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Ste, lay off the drugs mate... they ain't good all the time ;)


Haha, the weirdest thing that I can remember was some sort of baseball game on the NES or SNES... The game just went haywire and decided that the team should be called "Rupnok" and all the players equally as bizarre names and all the sounds became strange distorted mutations of the originals...


Man, me n my mates were in stitches for like 5 hours... HAHAHAHA :lol: Rupnok, I'll never forget it... :D


Max Payne (the original one) used to have some bizarre bug where people's heads would mysteriously detach from the body and kind of float around about a foot or so above the body, still bobbing up and down but kind of differently to the body!


I'm sure there's a few random things in there where you get stuck on some scenery but they aren't as bizarre...

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Not really something in the game, but on my 14th straight hour of playing Ultima VII I started to hear noises, weird ones like if you were to drag the cursor down a list in a Final Fantasy game. I'll never play games in a sitting as long as that again. :lol:

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I remember in the 2nd playstation tomb raider (the one where you could train at her home) I was wandering around her house in the obstacle course that was setup, and at a certain place I found I could jump around the outside fencing and wander around. On one hand it seemed like something I shouldn't have been able to do (it was a fluke getting up there), but on the other they had areas built in for you to wander.


My take? I think getting into the "forbidden areas" was a glitch, but the areas were left over code from programmers, as often happens in games (just look up some gameshark codes). There was nothing spectacular, just a little park and some trees.

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I find i ecounter more glicthes as i use more cheats.


I was playing RTCW one night and i used noclip then and notarget, and the enemies started dissapearing and shooting a places i wasn't. lol

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