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Help Plz, Three LED's

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I was playing farcry on my computer the other day when my system stalled so i shut it off and turned it back on and the diagnostic led's got to 3 and stopped which is supposed to mean that the cpu is bad( also it was beeping and it wouldnt stop). The next day I went and bought a new processor and put it in and the 3 led's still come up!! It wont post or getto bios and before i switched the cpu i could only see the logo come up on the screen, now there is nothing.


So i tried my ram in another computer and it works fine so all that is left is that the motherboard or video care are bad... i hope to try my video card in a friends comp soon, but could the mb be bad since the power when on and power was running through the mb and the prossecor and it went tryed to start up? also could it just be taht the bios was corrupted since I was overclocking at the time...



Amd athlon 64 4400+

DFI Lanparty nforce 4 ultra-d

radeon x800xl

enermax 535w

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swap the video card between top and bottom slot a few times and for some reason it will go back to seeing the video card in the top slot as it should most of the time unless the vid card is in fact bad.



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K I'm pretty sure it is the mobo that is bad because i moved a stick of ram from the 4 slot to the 2 slot and it works but only with one of the sticks of ram that i got with my comp but the stick that doesnt work works in another computer fine so i doent see why this one will not work in my mobo.


Also, the comp only boots up if there is one stick of ram in the 2 slot so i cant run the dual channel and i've tried many combinations... does this happen to many people? is there any trick u could do to fix it?

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K I'm pretty sure it is the mobo that is bad because i moved a stick of ram from the 4 slot to the 2 slot and it works but only with one of the sticks of ram that i got with my comp but the stick that doesnt work works in another computer fine so i doent see why this one will not work in my mobo.


Also, the comp only boots up if there is one stick of ram in the 2 slot so i cant run the dual channel and i've tried many combinations... does this happen to many people? is there any trick u could do to fix it?


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Please read and respect the forum rules and put your complete computer specs in your signature under "user cp" . Also include your bios version and specs of your psu, including brand name and watts. This information helps us to help you. Thank you.


Click on "NF4 help" in my signature. see if it helps. Try running memetest to qualify your ram. each stick seperately.

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