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I'm already startin to fell a litlle better. Well I read the New Egg customer reviews and alot of guys had corsair overclocked with no problems. So I hope all is well.
Do yourself a favor, don't base anything on what you read in the so-called "reviews" at NewEgg ;)



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Well I'm also seeing alot of people not having problems with Corsair.


That's why I'm saying read all the posts you can about it here.

There are alot here who will tell you to stay away from the Corsair.

Just use the search function here to research it.


Best you can do is try it since you already have it, and after reading, you'll find if you can run it without problems.

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Hmmmm so if I can keep everyhting stable and booted with no errors in prime 95 and mem test. I should be fine right . And if some games were running crappy it would just be the game and not my PC right? And also, do games run very well on the Nforce 4 ultra boards? THX

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Well, Mr Pickles, How should I base looking at DFI's recommended memory. And then seeing my Corsair memory on the list. :) If this is true about Corsair I have been mislead and would have bought A MSI K8N Neo-4 . Dammit!
No need for all that, if you feel better and more educated after reading "reviews" at NewEgg then by all means, have at em my brother.



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No my point was , I checked with DFI and my memory was on the Recommended memory list, then I saw the reviews at NewEgg on this board and Bam, people were raving about the overclocking ability; even though they had Corsair. I had no idea about this website. I don't have telepathic powers. And by the way New Egg rules.

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I have XMS4400 C25, and it is one big bag of problems. Sometimes system is unstable, then all of the sudden everything is ok and you can run at 310+ mhz.


This ram is fast, faster than anything else I have seen or tested... but I had enough one day and swapped the OCZ Platinum Revision 2 from my other machine for this one, and who would have known how easy things have been.... BOTH WAYS!, the other machine is a MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum and it loves the XMS... lol.


Angry Games posted a guide about using this RAM: http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=19510

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