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Please help, still having problems

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ok, got it up in running, besides a few explorer crash bugs ( thing its because of not having graphice drivers on yet, well see)


AS a question, i normally always dl the nForce drivers from nvidia, which new ones were released 2 days agoe, should i dl the one from DFI instead, or keep with the nvidia ones?

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almost definitly a RAM issue in my opinion try your RAM in single channel mode or with just one stick, if still no good try another RAM module, what are your temps and voltages like in the bios?, if its related to the graphics driver it could be the card if poss try a different card

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ok, seems like i might have gotten the ram fixed, onto more problems....


1st one: When i start to install large programs (WoW), the program freezes after a while, but my computer doesnt freeze. just the program ( hardrive light stops flashing, and cd rom stops spinning, could just be a problem with wow installer)


When i try to play BF2, i either get a game crash, or a system reboot with a error




if anyone has any other ideas, let me know. right now my pci-e card is in the 2nd yellow slot for pci-e

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just a couple of random things:

1. when you reinstalled the OS, did you use a SP2 slipstreamed CD (assuming your OS is XP)? If not, did you install SP2 and updates?

2. Is the HD SATA or PATA? If PATA, did you try putting the HD and optical drive on different IDE channels?

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Yes, my CD came with SP2 installed already, and ive already updated it.


im not sure about my harddrive (at work, ill check when i get home), but right now they are on different ide channels anyways. ( i was surfing the forums, and alot of people say dont install the nvidia ide drivers because they cause problems so i didnt install them, could that be a problem?)

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