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WARNING about bios bug in 7/04 beta bios

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Man I just knew you would know how I felt. HEhehehehehe. I spent 30 hours straight flashing bioses before the 702's came out and could never prime 2800 or above. 2780 yes but 2800 nO. Then 704-2 and Bingo > just turn prime on and let it run and 2800mhz was good to go. Heheheheehe. Loss oh loss of data point goodness. Hehehehehehe. :confused: :dog: :sweat: :drool:



Before you do anything RGone, pull out the DMM and check your Vcore. This Vcore you are at now is helpoing you, preserve that datapoint :nod:

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Im another one that has been using 704-2 since it came out with 1.325v+126% and no problems here.. Im pretty sure that I even checked vcore with my dmm at one point which showed to be right on the money..


Anyways I flashed back to the good ole 510-2 just to be safe for now..



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Oskar Wu - how did you find out? Was it from my email to DFITS?


Well at least now the answer to death of my Venice 3000+ has been explained. I'm very depressed about it... will never find a chip like that again...


:( so then my motherboard is probably still alive? If so, I maybe be willing to give it a second chance... unfortunately all BIOS's before it gave me async problems when running G.Skill BH5 UTT GH kit... will an updated BIOS that removes the CPU-killing voltages but with the same memory settings be released? If so, I will give the DFI a second chance.


Any other problems with the BIOS that could kill my new venice 3200+'s coming in? I have thoroughly resetted the CMOS - will putting in my new chips get them killed as well?

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So...what exactly are these special circumstances??? I've been using these settings since bios came out and I'm getting propper voltages! Would like to know what NOT to do to cause this problem!



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The frustration you guys are feeling is understandable, but I don't think it is justifiable to act aggressively towards DFI and/or Oskar Wu. I have lost precious hardware too because of this, but hey - that's life, or more accurately, hey- that's computers.


But most importantly, I think it's unfair to DFI/Oskar Wu to associate deaths of other hardware components to this BIOS, at least, not YET.


The problem has been explained almost thoroughly enough - the BIOS has introduced VID control errors with the 123,126,133, & 136% settings. If anything, maybe the situations under which using those settings would cause voltage spikes could be explained, otherwise it's detailed enough and we just have to live with it.

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Guest Halvis


DFI Engineer


WU! YOU DA MAN! (I too, was about to "flash it") Thanks!

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