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nVidia says you dont need a sli bridge anymore

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Guest burningrave101
its called 'We are scared of ATI's Crossfire which requires no bridge and only one card has to be a Crossfire card and on top of that there are no 'profiles' that are required'


Profiles aren't required for SLI any more. SLI works with any game now. The profiles are just used to better optimize for individual games to improve the performance in them further.

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Profiles aren't required for SLI any more. SLI works with any game now. The profiles are just used to better optimize for individual games to improve the performance in them further.


Eh? I always thought that if you didn't have a profile, you wouldn't see any benefit from SLI- in fact, it would be a little slower than one card, because the cards only get x8 lanes each. However, if you made a profile or used an nvidia supplied one, then the other card would kick in, and you'd have your true SLI.


Maybe nV changed it- I wouldn't know, since I own an ATI video card, so please, enlighten me!

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Guest Joalaielna

All this talk gets to me, I'm with angry lets just wait till me have it to see how it works! But I understand that some people love talking about this stuff and thats cool. Whatevrererer

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Any current video card can only use about X6 lanes worth of bandwidth. I'm not sure what you mean by that statement "because the cards only get x8 lanes each". Maybe you can clarify since it isn't a hardware limitation.

in fact, it would be a little slower than one card, because the cards only get x8 lanes each.

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im confused...wat is nvidia trying to accomplish by allowing this? i mean they must kno about all of us converting our boards to SLI ones...i dont c the connection :confused:


Heres something to think about...

What % of motherboard sales are DFI boards? Out of that % what % is a Ultra (non SLi) model? From that % how many of the motherboard users will go on this forum for help and support? Of that % how many will view the modding topic? From that % how many will risk damaging their board, to run SLi?


Think about it. Not enough of a % to have nVidia worried about you modding your mobo.

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haven't seen a crossfire board other than pictures and as you all know, i dont waste time with leaked pictures, info, speculation etc. When I see a Crossfire board arrive at my door via FedEx then I will take some interest in it....these days I am swamped putting in 16+ hours days fixing rigs that customers send me, emails, telephone, etc...I barely have had any time to come to the forum.



btw...do you live in Boise? I like the Broncos, but I'm not a big football/basketball fan...I only like hockey (though since momma goes to Boise State, we get nearly-free tickets to the BSU football games which is cool to see in person, but sports on tv bores me to death unless it is college hockey)



I agree with you AG. I just started to get into building PC's again after a 5 years away from PC's altogether for the most part, and even though the technology has changed quite a bit, the buisness models of the companies hasn't changed at all. Microsoft still puts OS's out too early, and there's always buzz about the latest and greatest technology, but often times it turns out to be a dissapointment.


I don't live in Boise anymore, not since 2001. Just before they started to develop all of the foothill area. Not for a lack of trying to get up there. I just have to convince the old lady that ID is better than So Cal. It's a tough sell considering her parents own a beach condo, but I loved it during the six months I got to live there before a snowboarding injury sent me back to CA for surgery. It certainly took awhile to get used to the pace up there though. I attended a few steelhead games and had a blast while I was up there and actually got into the whole game. Being a native Southern California guy, we're usually not too big on hockey. It might have something to do with the lack of ice.

Hey, do they still have that big-a$$ flourescent cross on the plateu, the one that you could see from the just about anywhere in the city.

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