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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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My board rox.. DFI apparently had some problems in their Quality Control.. Nothing more than that.. The board clearly is not "DEFECTIVE" .. They did obviously ship some that were.


Rodan.. I can assure you that my Nf3/x850 agp are running in the top 5% of everything out there.. I hardly consider it a waste of time to hang on to the NF3 for the time being... especially if one has purchased a high end card in the last 6 mo.. Bragging rights would be all you could get going NF4.. and you would have to look long and hard to find somebody you werent already beating in benches!! LOL..

Lets not dredge up tired old subjects.. Peace!!

Yes, forget about mobo's, I'm very impressed with ati's 850xt's. They run about

$300-320 without the dual dvi/vivo. Unfortunately, ati is anouncing a new breed

of gpu's again that will make 850's drop by a 100-150 immediately. May have

already happened, dunno. Supposed to be Sept. So "our" 850xt's, both pci-e/agp

will be worth dirt.


The good news is nvidia 6800's will be worth less than that........ hahahaaaaaa

I really hate nvidia, ever since they bought out/sucked up technology from the

Voodoo 1,2,3,4,5 genius'!!!!! But thats another story.... Hey, if you own nvidia

graphics, how can you change the monitor refresh rate to non-interlaced,

greater than 60hz for games... in their gigantic advanced settings tabbed dialog?

Answer: you f*king can't!!!!!!!!!! 40 years from now guess what? You still can't!!!

How can you change vsync? Nope, you can't. What is coolbits.reg?

Why its a "secret registry flag" that open's up "secret" (shhhh, its a

5 year old secret) options in that dialog..... Don't tell anybody, its a secret!!!

Bl*w me nvidia!!!

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What is the best RAM to work with the 824 BIOS, does anyone run the DDR 500 settings. I can't with my GEIL PC4000 but I can run it at stock DDR 400. I am thinking maybe some BH5 is the way to go to sort out this problem although Im not so sure anymore. I have been tweaking this board with the 602 BIOS I can run 250HTT but not with the 824.


Ok now it works at 230 HTT so maybe there is some auto settings in the RAM settings holding me back from 250.

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ok...well, i left this place, couldn't stand all the DFI flaming..


last night had a look at DFi and saw a new BIOS...flashed it and seemed ok...well, PC posted...


went in a changed all my other settings, poof, no post...


finally got back to the 711 BIOS, working fine now...just throught i'd let u guys know...




also, i just got the TT Big Typhoon, and had trouble installing it...anyone here have one???


i found the screws were too short...

i have been able to install it, but, my own, custom way and i personally don't think its installed right...

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lucky, hop off my testicles and play with a kangaroo or something. you are getting annoying.


In case you havent noticed...this is the NF3 thread...Go to your run down thread called *tweaks*, you might find NF4 stuff there.



blinker, i will look into that OCZ600. Someone asked me to build a system for him and im going to give him my NF3, and buy the NF4 so i can get me a 7800GT. Apparantly ATI's crossfire sucks and the 7800's are the way to go...

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lucky, hop off my testicles and play with a kangaroo or something. you are getting annoying.


xen, this is one of the reasons i left this thread.


i personally agree wiht lucky. this is the NF3 Ultra-D thread...


im not going to go into a DFI NF4 Ultra-D thread and start asking questions about AGP am i??? NO...


so why should he ask a question about PCIe in a thread that has nothing to do with PCIe???????????????????????????????????

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xen, this is one of the reasons i left this thread.


i personally agree wiht lucky. this is the NF3 Ultra-D thread...


im not going to go into a DFI NF4 Ultra-D thread and start asking questions about AGP am i??? NO...


so why should he ask a question about PCIe in a thread that has nothing to do with PCIe???????????????????????????????????

a good quality ps will work for nf3 boards also so any recommendations can also be used for a nf4 or nf3 boards. stop being picky and find something else to whine about. i have done nothing to either of you flamers and i have to withstand your stupidty constantly. oh well its the internet and you can hide behind your cable modems, but for real just leave me alone. if you dont like a thread for whatever reason, there is no one forcing you to enter it.

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Active cooling for ram question....

On both dfi's nf3/nf4 board layouts it is possible that the slots you populate

will fall outside the roof of your cpu fan cooler. I'm running my Patriots at 2.9v

because thats where they work. I don't know if their TCC5 or not but they

like 2.9. I've smoothed out stable at 270 htt 1:1 but switched them to the slots

outside the cpu fan overhang. During memtest up to 315 htt 1:1 they are

hot enough to fry an egg. My board is outside my case on platform of jeweled

cd cases stanchions, raising the thermal "hot spots" off the box/platform.

I perched a 80mm case fan to blow on them which cooled them off.


I'm wondering if anybody has any good ideas for mounting fans "inside" the

case, when the mobo goes in to cool these puppies. The ram slots are about

2 inches from the "top" of the mobo, or about 3 inches from the "bottom" of

the psu. So I need some creative method to "mount" a fan that blows across

them. I'm using a 90c heatsink with a 92mm fan. Ppl with the 120mm fans

should have it covered already.


There aren't any good commercial solutions out there, so it has to be a

"homemade" one......

Any ideas?



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a good quality ps will work for nf3 boards also so any recommendations can also be used for a nf4 or nf3 boards. stop being picky and find something else to whine about. i have done nothing to either of you flamers and i have to withstand your stupidty constantly. oh well its the internet and you can hide behind your cable modems, but for real just leave me alone. if you dont like a thread for whatever reason, there is no one forcing you to enter it.


pffft...now we are *flamers* with *constant stupidty* for asking you not to start asking NF4 questions in an already bloated NF3 thread. And we are also *hiding behind the internet*....ffs dude grow a brain.

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Well DFI its been a fun road but tomorrow im gonna have to take that fork down yonder..

Ima try the new "undisclosed name for now" board and see how it goes for me, I dont wanna try the nf3 Ultra-d and have a bugproblem and cant wait for the new revision to come out.

money burns holesin pockets around here..

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Xen how did you go with the OCZ DDR600 That is the Elite stuff right?


Hallion I tried the OCZ 4800(DDR600) EL Platinums on this m/b with excellent results. If they performed well, id say the Elites will also go extremely well. I was able to run 1:1 285 2.5-4-3-8 1T and 320 with 2T on this outstanding m/b.

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Well I figured I'd have to up the PSU at some point so I just ordered a TP-II 480W. Hopefully that will fix things up.


Slapped the new PSU in last night.


HTT multi at 5X, stock FSB, working great now :)

HTT multi at 4X, 250Mhz FSB, working great now (with a few more volts on vcore) :)


Brought it all the way up to 270x10 last night, not entirely stable but a few more tweaks should do the trick. Now I just need some good ram.

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