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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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Yeah, I kinda figured that since you had pretty good luck, however as of today this board is hating my ram or something.


I had been using 270x9.5 with CPU VID at passthrough and adjustment at +.7 which offered more stability than CPU VID at 1.55 and using like .4+, RAM was 3v using 2.5-3-3-7-2T timings...and now all of a sudden today it's blue screen galore even when running 230x10 with same timings and like 2.9v


I might need a fan blowing directly on the RAM but it didn't feel that hot and passed memtest ok at 270, I even tested again at 240 but it BSOD'd even at 230..


so right now I'm doing 2-2-2-5-2T timings with 2.7v with 250x10 and 166 divider resulting in 209MHz according to CPU-Z and it's been running fine ever since =/


Using the original 602 BIOS


A64 CPU's do not have half multipliers. The board skews the FSB to make it look like it's working....


Dividers seem to be a random problem on lots of nF3/nF4 boards...




Auto(200) 2T-2.5-4-7-3-Auto--->Auto






9X300, 3X


Every 2X512 set I have boots at those settings. You'll have to get past the safe mode 1st.. If your using any temp monitoring program, turn it off before trying to go into Windows... Add them later...

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I was more thinking of leaving it and penciling down the side like we used to on the NF7 motherboards to stablize the Vcore on It


But even if that would work,,, You are right the pot would be better... but once done... cant hardly undo it......

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I was more thinking of leaving it and penciling down the side like we used to on the NF7 motherboards to stablize the Vcore on It


But even if that would work,,, You are right the pot would be better... but once done... cant hardly undo it......


You can't leave it. It's too low as it is.... Penciling across it makes it lower.... Ya' know, resistors in parallel and all that stuff....

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Just got my board today; Lanparty UT NF3 Ultra-D S939 with Venice 3000+... Started working on it at about 4:30p today, and at about 9:15p tonight it's up and running...


I had to mess around with those darn voltages for awhile to get it to work (seems that the undervolting was severely hindering my windows install).


Now I'm running at 1.425V +.2 using the stock 602 bios, seems to read out at ~1.4V


I haven't overclocked anything yet, I'm just super-stoked that it's working, but I did have to change the HT Multiplier to 5x instead of the default 4x to get Windows to begin to install (I think others mentioned this).


Now it's time to get back to where I was as far as installed software, then it's benchmark time for me :)

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I'd say that nvidia's reading is probably the most innacurate. With those kinds of readingings, who knows what your really getting. I'm surprised it would even boot at that low of voltage at stock speeds.

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I have this board, I will try and mod it to get the high fsb's you all want. I have a theory.


1 it uses the same circuit for VTT as the NF4 does so it may have the same ( minor) issue at high dram frequencies...i have a VTT mod on the NF4 and will try one on this board also.


2 I will also implement adjusting vdimm thru a POT, this really helped my NF4 with TCCD etc.


3 i will remove the vcore resistor and replace with a POT, 10k i hear should work ;)


4 i will also try and find the dram drive strength termination resistors, this should allow me to fit a POT or 2 and tweak the resistance the dimms need to clock high.


5 after all this we will probably find the board have been re rev'd and no mods are now needed..LOL


These mods will be hardcore, so don't push me for times and results, im testing a few boards at the mo and time is short. I have to get some info first on resistor placements so its not going to happen overnite anyway.


I can tell you now though the big mod with be the drive strength change, this will allow the board to clock better straight off.




Thank you for your effort, I will wait your find

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Seems to be a little more stable my ATA drive doesnt keep ghosting out of my RAID screen like before but my voltages are still all over the map.




Screenshot of three programs all different reads. :confused:


Err, like brakezone pointed out, nVidia's is probably the most innacurate. CPUz and everest are showing the same voltage, but nVidia's isn't, and I never trust that program anyway. Speedfan would just be rounding off the results to 2 decimal places I can imagine, which is why it'd show 1.2v


TalonFyre: The AGP/PCI bus is locked together - by locking the AGP bus you're effectively locking the PCI bus as well. At least, that's how i've understood it as. Eitherway, it's been a common workaround to get AGP/PCI locks working on a number of boards in the past, not just DFI though.



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A64 CPU's do not have half multipliers. The board skews the FSB to make it look like it's working....


Dividers seem to be a random problem on lots of nF3/nF4 boards...




Auto(200) 2T-2.5-4-7-3-Auto--->Auto






9X300, 3X


Every 2X512 set I have boots at those settings. You'll have to get past the safe mode 1st.. If your using any temp monitoring program, turn it off before trying to go into Windows... Add them later...

What do you mean it doesn't have half dividers? At 270x9.5 it was showing 2.565GHz in every program that would show the clock speed...so I'm not fully understand what you're saying.


Also, to be able to boot at 300x9, my CPU would have to be capable of hitting such speeds which it's not =/


My venice is a LBBLE 0518APFW which seems to be crap IMO that's maxing out at basically 2.565GHz :(


I've used CPU VID at passthrough mode with +.7 which results in 1.72v and I've also used 1.55+ .5 I think it was and no matter what 2.6GHz would not get stable....lasts maybe 5 mins in prime95.


TalonFyre: The AGP/PCI bus is locked together - by locking the AGP bus you're effectively locking the PCI bus as well. At least, that's how i've understood it as. Eitherway, it's been a common workaround to get AGP/PCI locks working on a number of boards in the past, not just DFI though.
Board is already locked at 66MHz, which locks the PCI at 33MHz...however, with this board it's best to put it at 67MHz and leave it there.

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Hello all, this is my first post on DFI street, im from Aus btw.


Just yesterday I received my DFI NF3 Ultra-D, and i'm currently running my week 19 GPMW venice. I've got a couple of Q's though,


Is the reason I can't use 1t, a fault of the board or my corsair UTT?


I'm having major problems with the voltages and heat from my venice. I've had to set in my bios 0.4v extra, and according to cpu-z, ntune etc. it's only 1.6v, but under load i'm hitting nearly 65C (around 150F). And at completely stock, the bios is apparently only giving my cpu 1.28v, but i'm hitting 45C (115F) under load.


Is it possible my temps are being reported wrongly, or maybe my voltage?


btw i'm using an arctic cooling freezer 64, I also tried the stock cooler w/ a more powerful fan, just incase, but I get around the same temps with both.


thankyou all for your help,


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Is the reason I can't use 1t, a fault of the board or my corsair UTT?
1T hardly works for anybody...literally like maybe 1/10 people...it's a common issue with the board.


The temps are the same....a lot of peoples are reporting basically the exact same temps no matter what, however even at like 1.55+.5 with my venice at 2.5GHz it was only getting as high as 50C, but I also have watercooling....however I'm pretty confident the temps aren't actually hitting that.


This board has a big problem with undervolting as well as you've noticed.


When I leave the CPU VID at passthrough mode and put +.7 it registers at like 1.72


1.55 + .5 gave me around the same results instead of actually adding together the two.


Apparently DFI has replied back to a few people in which theres a resistor near the 4pin plug on the board that shouldn't be there and is screwing up voltages.


It's a really buggy board to say the least and most of the BIOS's make the issues worse although some people have had luck with a couple.


It's been a hell of a time getting DFI taiwanese base to do anything about it and make a good BIOS.


My suggestion is to look for a guy named "OldGuy" who posts a lot in here, and e-mail the DFI tech support with all the issues you've had....we've all been trying to do it to get their attention because they don't check these forums.

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