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Modded Monitor

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I know most people have some sort of mod in their system but what about the monitor :(


Has anyone tried modding it? I saw a modded monitor @ Twistedmods.com with a window and light and I must say it looked cool :)

But Im still alittle worried about the whole death by eletricution thing heh

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Im actually been thinking about doing it..


I was ordering lights n stuff actually the other day..


What I was going to do.. is actually run wires out the back of the moniter with the moniter cable.. and run then tru a PCI slot and plug them in there :)


I have a friend who has done the twisted mods mod.. and it worked out just fine for hiim.. hes still alive :)

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even if its unpluged... doesnt matter.. u could buy a new moniter.. and still get killed from a charge on it.. just because it was turned on at 1 point in time.. and the cap. lkeep the charge.. basicly forever..


If your going to do it.. you take a screw driver.. wrap a copper wire around the metal part of the screwdriver.. and take the other end and wrap it around the ground part of a plug, and plug it in to the wall.. and then just touch the screw driver to the capactors.. and you will hear a little poping noise.. thats the electricty leaving the capactors.. and then.. you will be safe..

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Ive been tempted... this monitor is huge! (sun 21' or 22' monitor)

I saw a few mods b4 where they took off the paneling from the back and replaced it

all w/ glass and added a bunch of lights... w/ my luck Id break this bad

boy though...

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i tried to add some cooling fans in mine but the magnets for the motor was messin with the screen. :(


oh, if you break anything in your monitor, move out for a month or so lol, those things are like 100x more radioactive than a monitor. (if you break a those tubes on the inside.) its enough to make you get radiation sickness!!!

Edited by sYstEmATiC

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yeah.. the fans could cause a magnetic feild thing to go on in their.. you dont need powerful fans in the moniter though.. just 2.. and keep them close to the back..


nothing is going to fall out when u take off that back.. I actually took off mine when I painted it..


just get a towel..


set the moniter.. on its screen.. and unscrew it from the back.. pull off the back thing.. and waalaa..


u got a huge cube of plastic to play it.. when ur done just screw it back on..


nothing to bad..

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Proper CRT grounding



oh, if you break anything in your monitor, move out for a month or so lol, those things are like 100x more radioactive than a monitor. (if you break a those tubes on the inside.) its enough to make you get radiation sickness!!!


The danger is poisoning due to inhalation from the toxins in the monitor which can include mercury, lead and phosphor. I think the radiation you are referring to is in reference to X-ray exposure. This would only be a problem if the unit continued to function without the lead lined frit and phosphorours coated screen to catch the radiation. Radiation sickness associated with phosphoric compounds is usually attributed to uranium-containing phosphorites. These should not be present in commerical applications of phosphor (CRTS, watches, etc) therefore radiation poisoning should not be applicable. You are more likely to suffer from the implicit toxic nature of phosphorous than the radiation associated with the material in this application. You are right however in that you want to limit your exposure to these compounds...

Edited by Misled

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