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Not enough virtual memory?

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recently while i've been playing cs:s, i'd lag whenever i turn around or anything fires (no, this isn't internet lag)


i've also received "virtual memory too low" many times (only recently though)


do i have to decrease my vitual mem? increase it?


currently, the settings are 1536-3072mb (1 gig ram, 200gb hdd)


n task manager when im playing cs:s, the page file usage is always at the max (3GB~3072mb)


should i increase it?


btw, i read that if the computer is too virtual memory dependant, then it'll screw up the performance, is this true?



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I have this same issue in HL2. Full stripped nlite windows with 1GB of ram yet HL2 loads like . and runs choppy after awhile with a low virtual memory error popping up. It wasn't like this at first but farther in the game, about half way I guess, this started happening.

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The question is why does your PC need such a huge pagefile? I'd say there is something fundamentaly wrong somewhere (what? I'm not sure). I havent run a pagefile larger than 256Mb for about 4 years now.

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