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New System: Major Problems

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Hello, I just wondered if anyong could help me please.

I've just got a whole new system and I can't even get windows on.

I got the parts delivered on Saturday. I've so far not been able to even install WinXP Pro or even win 98 which I tried in desperation.


I've tried different settings and I get different errors.

PFN List corrupt (I sorted this error, it was due to a half formatted drive)

IRQL not less or equal (the most common error I get)

Bad pool caller

Driver IRQL not less or equal

Multiple IRP complete requests.

All BSOD errors.

I've also tried taking out a stick of ram (corsair DDR XMS Twin X) but it wouldn't even get to the bios when I tried that, same result when I used the cheap ram from my other pc, which is also 400Mhz ram.

I've got two 300gb Maxtor sata drives with 16Mb of cache on each.


I'm running everything on stock, so no overclocking. I think it may be a faulty component.

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Corsair 2x1GB
Is a major sore thumb sticking up and staring us all in the face at the outset.


This mini how to setup guide is the best I have seen... That gentleman did an awesome job arranging those steps to help newer users.


Suggest you go to the Corsair website and they have a link to their forum and where their 'ramguy' has posted some various settings that have been of help to some Corsair memory users on the DFI board.



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Ahh damn! So the memory isn't fully compatible with the said mobo?



I've tried in different ram. Just some cheap stuff from my other pc. When I tried that I couldn't even get it to the bios. Same when I tried it with just one stick of the corsair.

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Set everything auto or default in bios then try Command Per Clock(CPC) disabled or DRAM Bank Interleave disabled. 1Gx2 modules usually will not work at 1T. You might want to check your bios version too.

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Problem sorted!

I had to reflash the bios, set cas timings to 3.0 and increase the voltage.


Now for some reason Win98 takes ages to load. I've got the winxp upgrade disk or else I wouldn't use it.

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Did you say you have a WinXP upgrade disk? Are you aware you that can install the full version of XP from the XP Upgrade CD? It will ask you for prior proof of an OS. Just pop your Win98 CD at that point and off you go.


m :)

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