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moving my pagefile,how?


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ive got 1 hd a 74gb raptor and im getting a 80gb sata 2 drive in the next few days for storage and putting the pagefile on if its any benefit to my sysyem.


also got 2gigs of ram in my system,will i get a performance boost by moving the pagefile to my 2nd hd and if so how do i do it and what settings do i need for using 2gbs of ram.



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with 2GB of memory, you shouldn't ever need a pagefile. i would turn it off or set it manually to custom min=0, max=0 and be done with it. it should be fine unless you get a BSOD regarding virtual memory. IF that ever happen, set pagefile min and max sizes to the same size (whatever winblows recommends), on a separate DISK from the OS. that way, when windows reads/writes to it, you have one disk reading while the other writes instead of one disk doing both.

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