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good JOKE for ya...


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A blonde walks in an appliance store and says,


"I want to buy this TV"


The salesman says, "We don’t sell to blondes."


The next day she walks in with her hair dyed and says, "I want to buy this TV."


The salesman says, "We don’t sell to blondes."


"How do know I’m a blonde?"


"Because you are looking at microwave." ovens

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A MArine Grunt and an Army Soldier are in the bathroom taking a leak, the Soldier finish's and heats to the sink and washes his hands. As hes leaving the Marine Zips up and proceeds to walk out the door. The soldier comments to the MArine, "In the Army they teach us to wash our hands." To wich the Grunt replies, "well...in the MArine Corps they teach us not to piss on our hands."

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A blonde walks in an appliance store and says,


"I want to buy this TV"


The salesman says, "We don’t sell to blondes."


The next day she walks in with her hair dyed and says, "I want to buy this TV."


The salesman says, "We don’t sell to blondes."


"How do know I’m a blonde?"


"Because you are looking at microwave." ovens



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A MArine Grunt and an Army Soldier are in the bathroom taking a leak, the Soldier finish's and heats to the sink and washes his hands. As hes leaving the Marine Zips up and proceeds to walk out the door. The soldier comments to the MArine, "In the Army they teach us to wash our hands." To wich the Grunt replies, "well...in the MArine Corps they teach us not to piss on our hands."


OOOOORRRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! :shake: :nod:

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Dear Consumers:


It has come to our attention that a few copies of the WINDOWS XP SOUTHERN

EDITION may have accidentally been shipped outside of the SOUTHERN STATES.


If you have one of these, you may need help understanding

the commands. The SOUTHERN EDITION may be recognized by the unique opening

screen. It reads: WINDERS XP, with a background picture of Willie Nelson

superimposed on a bottle of Jack Daniels.


Please also note:



The Recycle Bin is labeled "Outhouse"


My Computer is called "This Dern Contraption"


Dial Up Networking is called "Good Ol' Boys"


Control Panel is known as "The Dashboard"


Hard Drive is referred to as "4-Wheel Drive"


Floppies are "Them little ol' plastic thangs"


Instead of an error message, "Duct Tape" pops up






Reset.............try'er agin



Find..............hunt fer it

Go to....over yonder

Back..............back yonder

Help............hep me out here

Stop..............kwitit (WHOA!)

Start...........crank'er up


Programs......... stuff at duz stuff

Documents....... .stuff ah done did


Also note that the SOUTHERN EDITION does not recognize capital letters or

punctuation marks. Some programs that are exclusive to WINDERS XP:


Tiperiter...a word processing program

Colerin' Book..............a graphics program

Cyferin' Mersheen.............calculator

Outhouse Paper................notepad

Inner-net.....................Microsoft explorer 5.0

Pitchers......................a graphics viewer


We regret any inconvenience it may have caused. If you received a copy of

the SOUTHERN STATES EDITION, you may return it to Microsoft for a

replacement version.



I hope this helps all y'all!


Billy Bob Gates

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Guest area51

Ace I was laughing my butt off reading this...my fiance is from Creole (south of Lake Charles) LA...and this sounds like some of the neighbors she introduced me to!! :shake:

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I'm a South Louisiana Coon-butt. My Mom and her parents spoke Cajun French as a first language. My Dad and his parents spoke French as a second language.


When I spent time with Maw-maw and Paw-paw during the summer I would go days without hearing any English unless we went to "town" which was still in the swamp.


When the phone would ring in the evenings and my Mom started talking french, I never knew if it was someone from back home or one of the Nuns from school telling her something I had done bad at school. That always left a mark.

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Don't be ashamed of your heritage their ExRoadie...I normally speak with a Southern/Cajun twang in my voice if not aware of whom I am dealing with. Whenever I let it slip, it sparks conversations which leads to new friendships because at heart, I am a down home kinda guy. This, in turn, gains respect for being backwater bread and having the intelligence associated with the modern world.

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