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DFI nF4 Ultra-D chipset fan

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I just built a new computer with spec in my signature below. Everything seems to work fine after setting the bios found within this forum. However the problem with this computer is too noisy. After inspection, it's both the fan on 6800GT card and the chipset stock fan. I'm ordering a new cooling fan (NV silencer 5) and hopefully it'll reduce the noise coming from the graphic card. And what can I do about the chipset stock fan? Do I get a defective one?


Thanks in advance!

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I'm afraid you don't have many solutions, your pciex video card is exactly placed above chipset fan, so you'll have to find something very slim - and the noise will be the same.


I have experienced the same issue, I tryed to change the video card on the second pciex slot but it wasn't worked.


If there is a solution to change the chipset fan, I would like to know.

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Mine is 43@4600 - is a little bit too hot (from 50 deg I'm starting to warry) but 4600 seems for me too loud...


Anyway, I would like to change it... if is possible....

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I see at least two options:

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If your chipset fan is too loud install Smartguardian off the DFI motherboard CD.


In "Options" you are provided the ability to set the CPU, PWMIC and Chipset fan speeds, by temp, which may quiet things down for you.



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I measured < 1% performance hit at 8x vs. 16x. This will allow you a bunch of different chipset cooling options since the VGA will not be above it.

[*]Mod something like a Zalman NB47J cooler so your 6800GT fits around it. This is what I did with the same card you have, although I used a VF700 instead of an NV5.


Hey, that's taught...


What temperature do you have on chipset? (I won't ask for noise... :D )


btw: ... and for the cpu? idle/full load


If your chipset fan is too loud install Smartguardian off the DFI motherboard CD.


In "Options" you are provided the ability to set the CPU, PWMIC and Chipset fan speeds, by temp, which may quiet things down for you.


I already did that...if is not too loud is too hot... :(

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Ambient: 22C

Case: 31C

CPU: 39C

PWM area: 45C

Chipset: 45C


This is steady state for me folding 24/7 at 240x10. Gaming will bump the chipset up to ~50C due to the heat from the 6800GT (running at Ultra speeds) at ~65-70C.


I am pretty sure my chipset temperatures are the same or better compared to the stock chipset HSF at 5000+ RPM. My CPU and GPU fans are set low at ~6V, as is my case fan.

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