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Anyone know a fix for Dual Channel instability

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bumping for RGone

Pic #5 down the page at this link.


Down the page set these and try it.

200 1:1 / DisAble / 2.5 / 4 / 8 / 3


Disable Bank Interleave on down the page.


Set memory volts to 3.0Vdimm.


Now give memtest86+V1.51 a try and see if you are just filled with errors. Run test #5 about 15 loops and test #8 about 15 loops and let us know. I am about to think that memory is some form of memory module other than CH-5 or it is bad doggy stuff. Let us know how memtest does now.


NOTE: only run the Kingston stuff in the orange slots and leave the other off speeded memory out of the computer while testing the kingston.


RGone... :confused: as usual.

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nope not a single error RGone. Ran both tests 15 loops on memtest 1.51 and two loops on the standard test cycle with your recommened settings. What is bank interleave for. I disabled it just wondereing what it affects. oh. and still unstable in windows with those settings also. Tomarrow I'll see if I can get a power supply to try.

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Not being hard but this statement is SO vague?

and still unstable in windows with those settings also.

What is unstable about windows? What does windows do. And I will say this right now and for real. If the memory can be made to work better by any amount> then windows will have to be reloaded and should be even now likely because crap acting memory makes a load of windows that was crap from the start and was headed to unstable from the time you saw the first screen, "now booting windows for the first time".


Point being that the settings I gave got you 'clear' of errors in memtest86+ V1.51>With the memory in dual channel mode! Is that correct? Well that is progress but my real thoughts when trying all this guessing from afar is to do as you said and borrow a power supply or get some of the memory that works in these boards. There are too many sticks that work for you to beat your brains out trying to make it run.


Or do like a lot of users and send the stuff to me or AG and we will run in boards that work with good power supplies and if it fails then> DUMP the mess.


RGone... :confused: as usual.



nope not a single error RGone. Ran both tests 15 loops on memtest 1.51 and two loops on the standard test cycle with your recommened settings. What is bank interleave for. I disabled it just wondereing what it affects. oh. and still unstable in windows with those settings also. Tomarrow I'll see if I can get a power supply to try.

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If you look at my sig and your hardware, they are VERY similar, except PSU, and my memory is 3500.


I have to say that the DFI LP is one of THE most stable and easiest boards I have ever set up.


If you cant get stability using optimized bios settings, which any setup should be able to run, then the first thing I would look at is the PSU.


Looking at the specs for that Mad Dog, it is not even a true ATX 2.0 PSU, as it does not have (2) 12v rails.





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It's been unstable in windows in dual channel from the beginning. I ment that it didn't fix stability. I can serf the web but if I load any intensive programs it crashes to bsod. I never had errors in memtest86 from the beginning either. I ran that test because I figured you had seen something similiar to my problem and wanted to make sure it wasn't the same problem. So with that there hasn't been any progress. And ok I'll redo my windows install. Full re-fromat of drives.

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Ok I did a full system restore (re-format). I can't believe it. It works. I have the bios set to the original settings and it runs great. I havn't prime95'd it yet but I can run benchs and no bsod. I don't know why it doesn't hang anymore before memory check on boot up. And it goes all the way too windows flawlessly now. I hope this stays this way. But I can't overclock it even 5 HTT. But beggers can't be chooser's. I'll figure that out later after i establish this as being stable.

Thank you all for your patients with helping me along with this. I'll look into getting another psu down the road since this one is inferior. I would take you alll out for a round of beer if i could. I'll try to stay a regular on the boards so that I don't have to bother you folks as much.

Thanks RGone for your last post about windows installs being crap from bad memory. I did the first install with memory in dual channel before bios flash. I wouldn't have ever reformated again. Peace.

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Ok I did a full system restore (re-format). I can't believe it. It works. I have the bios set to the original settings and it runs great. I havn't prime95'd it yet but I can run benchs and no bsod. I don't know why it doesn't hang anymore before memory check on boot up. And it goes all the way too windows flawlessly now. I hope this stays this way. But I can't overclock it even 5 HTT. But beggers can't be chooser's. I'll figure that out later after i establish this as being stable.

Thank you all for your patients with helping me along with this. I'll look into getting another psu down the road since this one is inferior. I would take you alll out for a round of beer if i could. I'll try to stay a regular on the boards so that I don't have to bother you folks as much.

Thanks RGone for your last post about windows installs being crap from bad memory. I did the first install with memory in dual channel before bios flash. I wouldn't have ever reformated again. Peace.



I wouldn't have ever reformated again. Peace.

I know it man but I did my first setup of a puter yesterday and I have probably now loaded WinXP about 265 times or so and I can watch how my files are extracted and written to the drive as they come across the bottom during windows install and I see a dork up or slow down where it should not be and I go back and format and do it again because I will make image and not reload likely ever again> just use image and I want that thing correct.


Mainly man> GLAD as hale she seems rokken.


RGone... :confused: as usual.

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