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Crucial Ballistix 2x1GB PC4000 kit gone bad (merged)

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I bought my Z503 kit back in October, but I've only used them on and off until about 6 weeks ago. Since then, I've been running them 24/7 on Rosetta@Home... or was until a couple of weeks ago. The rig is:



AMD x2 3800 (x2 4600 stock HSF)

2GB Ballistix Z503 (120mm Vantec fan)

2x Leadtek 6600GT SLI

Seasonic 600W PSU


For about 3 and 1/2 weeks, the rig ran 2700 MHz / 1.39v with the sticks on a 180 divider, about 245MHz 3-3-3-7 1T. Originally they used to run 1:1 up to 285 3-3-3-8 and at 250 I could run 3-3-2-7, but since I set this rig up they would fail memtest at that, hence the divider.


Then I started getting lockups, so I raised vcore to 1.42v. That worked for a couple of days, then lockups again. Dropped the CPU to 2500 @ 1.32v and set the sticks to 1:1; that worked for another day or so and then lockups.


Now I'm running memtest with 2500 / 1.32v with sticks at 250MHz 3-4-4-8 2.8v (i.e. stock, all but base timings on auto). They pass all tests until #8, then it locks up with the wall time at 400 or 700 hours or screen corruption. If I loop #8 it passes for about 30 or 40 minutes and then lockup. No errors though, just lockups.


Is this my mem controller going bad or the Ballistix? Uncorrected CPU temps on load about 38C, btw.


If you've read the entire thread, independant users across different hardware combinations are experiencing stability issues, random reboots, BSODs with these 1gb Ballistix. Those stability issues for myself at least, cleared up by changing to a different manufacturers's memory. It shouldn't be difficult to speculate here that Crucial has a defective product on the market with these 1gb Ballistix sticks and instead of issuing a costly recall, they're choosing to cover up information concerning that defective product, rather than issuing refunds.


Here's what you should do.. Find a friend or someone who has two sticks of "stable" DDR memory you can borrow.. Use an anti-static wrist strap, ground yourself to the case, then switch out the Ballistix, for a "known" stable set of DDR memory.


I will bet within two weeks your stability issues will have disappeared and you'll realize that your Ballistix are the problem.. This past february I switched out my pair of 2x1GB Crucial Ballistix for OCZ GOLD PC4000 2x1GB and all those stability issues immediately disappeared .. After two months with the OCZ 2x1GB I've had relatively no problems, only a single lockup with 24/7 uptime..

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Ah, the plot thickens.


Testing the sticks individually is a different experience. With CPU at 2500 and stock vcore, memory at 250MHz 1:1 3-3-3-7, they both pass memtest repeatedly. Can't do 3-3-2-7 without errors, but hey. So suspicion now falls on the mem controller or the mobo. I wonder now if playing with the drive strengths will reveal something.

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Ah, the plot thickens.


Testing the sticks individually is a different experience. With CPU at 2500 and stock vcore, memory at 250MHz 1:1 3-3-3-7, they both pass memtest repeatedly. Can't do 3-3-2-7 without errors, but hey. So suspicion now falls on the mem controller or the mobo. I wonder now if playing with the drive strengths will reveal something.


Its the memory mate. Simple as!!! I got return my second set today but the problems ive had since having these sticks in october last year (2 different sets) im putting down to them. Im curious of what the new batches are going be like and hoping on the 505's and not 503's. They are awesome sticks, had mine on 310 on 3/4/4/8 with no issues at one point. Nothing on the market bests them, but if they fail all the time, there no good are they lol

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I fear that you are correct, especially as my batch number is CL1115N.2Q and they run at over 60C uncooled. Still, no reason to not extensively test and eliminate other possibilities.


I've been playing the drive strength game; so far they like DS at 8 best but came up with a couple of errors on the second pass. They hated 9, 10 and 12, so I've gone from DS/DDS 8/auto to 8/1 and am running memtest again now. At least they're crapping out with real errors now and not locking up.


I got these from overclockers on 4th November last year - would I have to ask them for an exchange, or would I just RMA to Crucial direct?

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RMA to Crucial.


Thanks, that's the easiest too.


As it happens, these sticks seem to be loving DS/DDS of 8/1 at the moment. They passed memtest ok like that at 250 MHz 1:1 3-3-3-7 1T and I then used the rig to virus check 4 suspect partitions, then fired up Rosetta@Home which has run faultlessly since.


If (when) the wheels come off again, RMA time.

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Woot! Just got my RMA's Ballistix back from Crucial UK (great turnaround, less than a week).


Going to try this evening and run the soak tests and see how they go before I start messing with overclocks.


What is the general consensus with the new TD1's, are they better? I've running a 3700+ SD and with my old set I was able to run at 250x11 at stock voltage for over 5 months, using settings I picked up from other Ballistix threads (thanks Sharp).


I'd like to be able to go back to these settings soon, once testing is completed but I'm reluctant to do so if they're going to fail again after a few months.


Any info or advice greatly appreciated.




P.S. they are BL12864Z503-16TD1 CL1116F.LF modules, matched pair.

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OK, I've been soaktesting now for a couple of nights and I have to say I'm pretty pleased with these new TD1's.


I've been able to Memtest for 14 hours with out any errors at 250 2.8v (I'll do my best to get all the settings typed out over the weekend).


The first thing I've noticed is just how much cooler these DIMM's run. The old ones were far to hot to touch after about 30 minutes, even with a 120mm fan blowing over them! These are actually pretty cool, even with this mini heatwave we've got here in East Anglia. I'm sitting in my computer room at the back of the garage and normally I was reading about general system temps of 39-42c when playing Oblivion for a few hours. So far the readings haven't gone above 33c.


I've not had any lockups, BSOD's or crash/reboots but I've still got a few more intensive tests I want to run on the system but so far I'm impressed.


Performance wise I'm back to where I was with the old set, but I guess the proof of the pudding is going to be in a few weeks time running these settings as it would appear that the old sets used fail after about 3-4 months (if they didn't break sooner).


I'll try to post my settings, for anyone interested, later this weekend. Might not get too much out tomorrow as I'm off down the pub to watch the FA Cup Final with my mates, Up the Happy Hammers! ( Angry_games, this is the equivalent of the Stanley Cup to us "soccer" fans) ;)





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Well guess put me in the list as I had mine from Newegg since 8-1-2005 Been getting Bsod's then finally wont even boot.. I've had mine running stock and still they fail.. Just like others started with 2.7 then up to 3.0 now they just wont boot.


Those that Rma to newegg how did you get another brand?? was it easy or they pissy about it.



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Ok gang I also had the CL115 batch and purchased mine early October 2005.


I personally had no problems with them for a long time and they seemed to overclock pretty well. I had my DFI UT SLI-DR up to 2.8ghz, but was running stable at 2.6ghz with a 3800 x2 AMD 64.


I did have some issues in games that would stutter etc, but that was due to the dual core and AMD/Windows/Game makers sucking and making me have to turn off 1 core to play the game.


Then a few months in I started having random BSOD and reboots out of no where... so i bit the bullet and reformated. I'm not going to lie, I download a lot of torrents and other things and I could quite possibly have gotten something that jacked up my system. My degree is Computer Information Systems and I work with computers all day long, so I know how to take care of them with antivirus/anti-spyware stuff but still sometimes things slip through the cracks.


So anyways I thought the format would fix it... but alas I was getting BSODs even after my format... i'm now thinking WTF! I had even reset everything in the bios to failsafe defaults and wasn't even overclocking...


So I thought it was either my harddrive (raptor 10k) or my ram... So i did a memtest and it started failing all the tests like crazy.... I then tried it one stick at a time. Turned out 1 of my sticks was alright but the other one was hosed.


So I was in a dilema... do I try to return it through newegg? Do i go through Crucial? So i thought what the heck... I'll try newegg.


It is now May 2006, 8months after I bought my ram.... Newegg said send it in and if it's bad we'll give you a refund or different ram. I did as instructed and today I got an email saying I could have either


1. $250 (current market value of my ram... not bad i paid $300 for it in Oct 05)




2. OCZ Platinum Edition 2GB (2 x 1GB) 184-Pin DDR SDRAM Unbuffered DDR 500 (PC 4000) Dual Channel Kit System Memory - Retail )



Now using common sense immediately looked up what the OCZ costs...




$239.99 plus a 30 rebate making it $209.99 plus shipping!


So I took the money and picked up some OCZ... I actually didn't get the platinum I instead went with these:




OCZ Gold GX 2GB (2 x 1GB) 184-Pin DDR SDRAM System Memory - Retail


They were only $170 after rebate and a lot of people with DFI boards have gotten them to the stated 250mhz (2.5ghz) on decently low voltages 2.7-2.8.




So end of story... NEWEGG ROCKS! RMA/Replacement with no questions after 8months... I get ram that is nearly as fast and shouldn't have any weird errors, and I also pocket $70... not bad!



p.s. I also had other issues from DAY 1 with the ballistix. First off they only worked in the orange slots. 2nd if i ever went into windows and chose "reboot" sometimes the system would hang at initializing the ram. The lights would come on and fans but it would just sit there. I'd have to hit the reset button and then all would be well. I'm not sure if this was related to the RAM but the old ghetto 512 DDR 266mhz memory i'm using now while i wait for my replacement OCZ to arrive does not have the issue.


Hope this helps!

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Well guess put me in the list as I had mine from Newegg since 8-1-2005 Been getting Bsod's then finally wont even boot.. I've had mine running stock and still they fail.. Just like others started with 2.7 then up to 3.0 now they just wont boot.


Those that Rma to newegg how did you get another brand?? was it easy or they pissy about it.



I'm in the same boat as you buddy.


My first replacement just crapped out on me (system won't boot to windows when the god-forsaken things are installed) but I didn't get any BSODs or random restarts or anything. :confused: Was running 2-2-2-5 @ 2.6v with a 92mm fan keeping the bastards cool 24/7. To hell with em'.


They no longer carry the modules so I suppose they'll e-mail you and I giving us the option of a cash refund or a product of equal value.


I'll be helping myself to some nice mushkin eXtreme Performance thank you. :)


Death to Crucial. :mad:

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newegg is awesome when it comes to help, depending on how long it's been since u ordered the item..if its way over a month, dont expect them to refund it, but they will replace it. I love their tech support, they might not be able to do everything u want..but in the end, if u give them time, they'll make you happy before you hang up.

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