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Lanparty 250Gb need help...seems to be big prob around here

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ok i cant get to a PSU other than mine for a while so i tried taking the mobo out of the case and using only the neccesary things to get it to work and i have the same prob...i not quite sure, but would a mobo, gpu, stick of ram, and cpu really need more than 400W? i also tried something else i saw on here, pressing insert while turining it on, and i got something that said ntlrd."something" missing....ya sry its not really clear, i just dont remember exactly what it was. but im pretty sure its not PS now although i will still try, and if i cant figure it out im gonna RMA it for a different board cuz im tired of all this and my dad is gonna be mad that i couldnt get it to work lol

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ok i found the prob!!! not PSU!!! i switched the RAM from my Dell and found that after saving in CMOS it posts...i dont gotta reset jumpers...and the PQI works perfect in my dell....bad news is that the dell ram is crappy and i gotta return get new ram..what works 100% with these boards? anybody know?

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The whole point of this sad state of affairs is that your descriptions of problem to us has had us guessing. Your Raidmax power supply is woefully underpowered for the board in the "long run" meaning over time and during hard gaming and if a single thing is added to the setup like hard drive or fan or the like. It is just too weak a power supply. Plenty of very knowledgable users have said that.


Now I don't doubt the thing cranked up with other memory. You did not know enough to tell us which PQI memory you purchased. Their are 'many' users using PQI 'turbo' and hauling major booty. Just PQI is not very descriptive. I have two sticks of PQI turbo DDR400/533 in my UT250gb right this minute. But my guess is you did not get the good stuff where as mine is running at DDR520 right now.



A link to DFI website FAQ section and seventh down on page is a list of some memory that has been tried in the UT250gb.


Also are 'individual' answers in the link and the second page of the link where 'other' brands have had answer given to them. That should get you close on the memory thing but we more experienced users still stand by our recommend to get another power supply for overall long term satisfaction.


It is also possible that your cheap stick of PQI can be exchanged where you bought it from for some that is actually on the list at that link.



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Originally posted by experiencethis

ok i found the prob!!! not PSU!!! i switched the RAM from my Dell and found that after saving in CMOS it posts...i dont gotta reset jumpers...and the PQI works perfect in my dell....bad news is that the dell ram is crappy and i gotta return get new ram..what works 100% with these boards? anybody know?



^^^See Post above this^^^



You need to LISTEN TO RGONE...


Then you might get some things figured out on your


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ok, first off i would like to say sry for not providing enough information, the memory is actually a PQI turbo stick.. secondly i will note that i will use the information that you guys helped me out with and will definitley be seeing a new PSU as soon as i can scrape together some bucks and wil trade in my memory for another brand...thanx again to everyone that helped.

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