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Lanparty 250Gb need help...seems to be big prob around here

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hey, i joined this forum because my lanparty is really . me off....it wont boot up unless i reset the jumpers and if i change anything in BIOS, the screen turns off like the computer is powered off...any help from anybody...its funny because this board is hella tight but seems to have a lot of critical issues..

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i added my stats to my sig...im also reading a lot of the old posts and i see a lot of times they reccomend doing a 12 hour reset or something really long, and i was wondering if this has actually helped anyone with the same problem?? or if not what has helped? maybe some help from the DFI guys?

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I have seen users on the net saying that emails with nVidia about power requirements for some of the 6600/6800 cards are now 460watts. Good watts at that. Also only the Video card and no more than one hard drive on the supply line from the power supply.


Is the 3200+ cpu a desktop cpu or a DTR cpu without the steel lid cover the actual silicon of the processor?


Up the vcore to 1.55Volts and Vmemory to 2.9v and chipset to 1.7V and AGP to 1.7V and see what happens.


Oh by the way have you loaded optimized defaults and then entered bios and turned off all the un-needed peripherals like serial port, parallel port and 1394 if not being used.



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Funnily I recently got the exact same problem.


I get the same symptoms but for me I am quite sure I know the issue. Though it´s weird I got it now since it has worked quite well for several months.


Anyway all suddenly my mobile boots at 0,9 or 1 V regardless of voltage settings in BIOS. Known issue with mobiles and some bios but my current bios was supposed to be compatible and has been for several months go figure :confused:


But that seem to indicate that your PSU may indead be to weak or you have to low voltage on your CPU.


Me I am going to try find another bios and flash again. If I reset BIOS once does it get reset to default factory BIOS and not the last one loaded? If so I have an easier time to explaining this.

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Nope damn damn damn can´t adjust the CPU voltage :(


Any ideas what can cause this? Have tried several bioses but don´t matter. Can it be the BIOS chip being flakey. I know that was a weak point on my old DFI nforce 2.

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well ok, thanks for a lot of replies... ummm my cpu is not a mobile AMD..i believe that my PS is by raidmax, because it came with a raidmax case...the model number is KY-520ATX..well thats the only number on there....and yes, i do have both the reular and 4pin plugged in....i can get as far as BIOS, but if i change anything it wont post afterwards...i can actually start to install windows, but at a random point it will give me a blue screen with an error...fedora will just give some error saying anaconda(the installer) failed.. ...thats about all i know...about my memory all i know is thats its 512 DDR and made by PQI...thanks ahead for help and i will try to change the voltages..

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hrmm..i should have quoted the poster above me since i saw DTR in his sig.


as for you...your Raidmax is a weak psu for the most part...considering the power draw these boards/cpu's etc all take. It should work but it might be the suspect.


that PQI might be suspect also.


always load optimized defaults in the bios.

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