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The Urge to Kill................


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Well, I went back to work today after two days off to find a brand new computer waiting for me, nice one too, albeit a gateway, but a Pentium, with 512 of memory, XP Pro. wOOt I say! Especially it being an upgrade from a 5 year old I don't know what w/ 128 of mem. Win 98.


The peeps at work wanted to surprise me, nice gesture, but BUT, BUT, when I fired up my sign making program, my entire database of items (SKU's), speciality sign set ups for our store, all pricing changes, entries I had made for the last six months,gone, GONE, Left in it's place the stock standard database the company sent out early this year on an upgrade.

Ahggggggggggg, I'd spent all this year getting it just the way I wanted, editing, tweaking and generally seting things up for ease of use.(On top of that the program no longer prints to the sign forms correctly.) I'm Pissed!


So I call corporate tech support, they say okay we'll DL you some stuff, plug it in and all will be fine, yeah right.....hehe, nope they DL'd what I already had, WTF, Called back, and it seems that everybody up there is getting a 3 day weekend, and had gone home early today. Now I'm Really Pissed! There is a sign package that "had" to go out tonight, and the last thing the manager said to me before he left was "It's your baby, do something about it" hehe (the urge to kill)


So I call the tech support "emergency" number, get an answering machine........my blood is boiling!!!!!! Left a message, go outside smoke a cig, kick the wall, cuss up a blue streak. Go back inside and the phone rings, It's our network administrator, and spent about an hour on the line with her, and she is going to send me back my database files next week(when the hard drive gets back to her office), and we got the machine to print well enough to be passable 'till next week.


So I guess all is well now (or will be), but I just had to vent.


Only now I've got a bigger problem, I think I'm in love with my network administrator...........:eek: :nod: :nod: :nod:

Just something very sexy about "talking computers" with a woman. hehehehehehehe


Thanks for letting me to blow off steam.




Edit was an accidental post half way through composition

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Guest culinist

Glad everything seems to be workin out, sounds like it could've gotten ugly.


Now you can concentrate on that sexy net admin:)

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The situation could have been avoided, had they listened to her when they were getting the new box set up, as she told them NOT to send the old one back to her until ALL was working correctly with the new one. But they had to SURPRISE me LOL, nice surprise......:nod: (Her first suggestion to me was to plug the old box back in, print the package and we'll fix the new box next week, but alas the old one was in the mail)


Well, they could have waited and let me do the change-over, as I am the primary user of that workstation, and I would have made sure that what I needed was backed up. the merchandising wheenie @ corporate told her there was no need to back up any data on the old box, "they had all that I needed ready to DL". the one size fits all ethic from no hands on experience (#&*$?/!~^&)


I'm much better now, but learned a lesson, not to trust the bustards.....gonna get me a usb drive and back up things "MY WAY" PRICKS! Gots to cover one's own behind! :D


Life goes on.

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this should make you realize that there are abused animals in this world forced to do human slave labor, and so therefor life for us isnt so bad.


this cat was forced to work in textile sweatshops for only bread and water for years and years and year....oh wait...he's just a lazy moo-cow cat that lays where he wants, plays when he wants, and doesn't have to lift a damn paw to help us with any of expenses hahaha



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Originally posted by momma

Yeah he likes to get in my way while i am trying to get my gaming on. He has adopted me as his own personal pillow as well.

He is just a lonly ol putty kat that no one plays with anymore. :nod: :shake: :shake:

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