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2600 Mobile @ 2.82ghz ON AIR

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lol just got this chip and it keeps going and going and going. all on a SP-97 and thnx to the cold air down here in TX :D


edit: pic was too big, click HERE for pic


gonna run 3dmark and see if she can pull through. :) does 36 sec sound about right for that speed?


pretty sure its a IQYHA 0401XPMW. 245x11.5 @ 1.925vcore in bios, 3.2vdimm, 1.7vdd. temp @ 41 C. (I think my LP-B is dying.. any fsb over 245 "disables" my pc and it acts like a 1ghz comp. for example at 246x11.5 my superpi would be like 52 sec)

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WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT Flying Hamster. Concrats on your score. I have a IQYHA 0401 XPMW myself. Gonna try that on my rig as well and let all know.


@Angry: Not sure what you mean with 'read the rules, people'. Or are posts, like flyinghamster's one, forbidden



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lol no his post is perfectly fine...something we enjoy seeing very much


its the 'image size limits in signatures' thing and the 'image pixel size limits in posts' thing :)


*he knew what i meant as i put it in his sig too so he would know exactly what I am talking about...if you read the rules you would know too! lol*

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Congrats! I was running up around 2.8 during the summer but when then dorm cut off the ac i had to clock back. Sure i was fine at 40C but i like to see my temps at 30C. Since it's the winter i can push it up again. BTW what's your ram timings?

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I paid $110, bout $20 more than a new mobile. u could save that money and get one from newegg like u prolly did, but u may end up with a crappy one like yours, or u could get one that is guaranteed 2.7ghz for $20 more. :) I guess u could consider it "WAAYYY TOO MUCH".. up to u. :rolleyes:


"showing off"?? :confused:

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I find that many of the later made AXP-M 2600+ suxxkas could go over 2700 - 2800Mhz easily.

Mine pass prime at 1.850Vcore and 2700Mhz (225x12) ;)


code specs: http://doublescan.wz.cz/2600Barton_mobile.htm


pic: http://ax2.old-cans.com/show.php?p=badthin...=0&c=8&d=1&v=v2


bios settings: http://ax2.old-cans.com/galerie.php?p=dfi&d=1&v=v2

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